Jumat, 21 Desember 2007

Google Earth

Assignments for Friday:

Web 1: Evaluate your exam on blog. What went well? Do you feel confident in your HTML skills? Who do you think did the best exam? Then do the Google Earth assignment.

Web 2: Finish your draft and submit to Lauren in the UDrive. Then do the Google Earth assignment.

Web 3: Google Earth testing and blog entry.

Yesterday an issue with our firewall was resolved so now we have access to Google Earth. We will spend today exploring the program. Google Earth is a program that is starting many trends in web design (remember everyscape.com?). Google maps and Google Earth is a profound shift forward in how we process and present information.

Check out this (some content seems to be blocked):
Google Earth Blog
Google Earth: education

Things to find (some of these might require extra google skills):
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Yankee Stadium
Science station on Antartica
Google's headquarters in California
The Pyramids of Egypt
The Great Wall of China
Then play around with the program. What do you think?

Kamis, 20 Desember 2007

Web 1 Exam

Web 1 exams are due today. Please save your folders to the correct spot in the UDrive and test your work. Be sure that you have completed the assignment (go back and check!!).

I highly advise you have a friend check your work in the UDrive.

Rabu, 19 Desember 2007


Good essay from David Pogue about accessibility. Check it out.

This link is from the HTML tutorial and explains how to embed a Flash movie.

Web 3 has been working on their thinkQuest projects and we think we have the leading candidates for project ideas:

  • Desserts around the world. Connect desserts with geography and history. Do the desserts of Mexico have similarities to the desserts of Spain?
  • Impact of LED lights. How can the switch from old light bulbs to LEDs have an impact on the environment? If we replace all the lights in Times Square with LED lights how much energy will we save?
  • Viking Mythology. Where are there traces of Viking mythology around the world? Did the travels of the Vikings in the Middle Ages produce a lasting cultural impact in other mythologies?
  • Backtracking. Are there hidden messages in albums?
  • Body image in different cultures. What is beautiful? Is the idea of beauty different around the world?

What do you think? Should we include other ideas?

Selasa, 18 Desember 2007


Today I am away at a special education workshop.

Web3: Continue to refine your list of 12 category ideas. Use the web and other students blogs to find the BEST idea for each category. Leave comments on blogs to start conversations around topics.

Web2: Yes, you can make decisions when the teacher is not in the room. Lauren will lead a discussion about format. Try to make decisions as a group about how long each chapter should be, the format, and the activities.

Web1: Continue coding.

Senin, 17 Desember 2007


I was really happy with our progress on our projects last Friday. Things have been a bit crazy the past few weeks with all the weather related days. We must keep our deadlines however.

I will not be in class tomorrow. I am at a Special Education workshop all day. I will be back for the schools Winter Concert tomorrow night.


Web3: Make two comments on student blogs about topics. Continue topic research.

Web2: Submit summary/outline to Lauren. We MUST finish the first draft of our chapters this week. All work should be saved in the UDrive.

Web1: Continue working on exam.

On a non-exam note there was some interesting reading in the NYTimes this weekend:
1. Food issues.
2. Middle Schools
3. Cyberbullying

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Jumat, 14 Desember 2007


Last week most of us did a decision making activity in our Advisory Meetings. This past week has been an interesting study in how famous athletes make decisions. Has Roger Clemens suddenly switched from the greatest pitcher of all time to a cheater? Every story about his retirement and fight to get in the Hall of Fame will now include information about how he cheated by using steroids. Little decisions make a difference. What would you want in your wikipedia entry?

Web 1 will start the 2nd part of the exam.

Web 2: Get summary/outline done today.

Web 3: Continue with ideas for Thinkquest.

Selasa, 11 Desember 2007

Web 1 Exam

Web 1 Exam Part One. This is due by midnight on 12/13. Part two will be posted Thursday.

Web 2 will be working on their Lulu book.

Web 3 will start their ThinkQuest.

Senin, 10 Desember 2007

Monday schedule

In all classes today I will be working on progress report grading. Be sure to have all work completed and checked.

Web 1: Help classmates finish work. If done, clean up blog, work on Flash/Fireworks tutorials, or play with Scratch. Tomorrow we start the marking period exam.

Web 2: Launch Lulu project.

Web 3: Finish or improve Fireworks assignment. Tomorrow we launch the Thinkquest contest.

Kamis, 06 Desember 2007


We will work on our Fireworks assignment today. This assignment will connect with tomorrow's celebration of Pearl Harbor Day.

The image you see here was a propaganda image from the war that was produced in 1942. However, it may give you ideas on how to blend images, text, and emotion.

More information on Pearl Harbor Day can be found here:

Your assignment is to design an image that celebrates the 66th anniversary of the date. You will use Fireworks and choose the appropriate tool or tools for your image. My favorite image will be displayed on this blog.

Assignment parameters:
1. You set up the image size when you create a new document: Height=300 pixels, Width =600 pixels.
2. Your images MUST be non-copyrighted. I will publish this!!
3. You must be able to defend your choice of a tool in your blog post.
4. You must include "66th Anniversary" and "December 7, 1941" somewhere in your image.
5. You must finish by the end of the period Friday.
6. Save in Udrive when done (bschneiderpearl)

Rabu, 05 Desember 2007


Today most of Web 1 and Web 2 will start the Fireworks tutorials. We only spend a few days on this. Mainly so you stop using MSPaint.

Some of the tutorials do not quite match the Fireworks we have. Just be aware of that. Use the help menu to find help find any buttons that may have moved in the newer version.

Anyone who missed the Flash quiz yesterday should see me.

The Lulu books are getting started. For more information click here.
  • I will choose the editors. If you have a real desire to be an editor see me.
  • Editors will choose their authors.
  • Other classes are getting involved. Mr. Pagliaro is starting a Lulu project today.

The idea is to create an "old-school" document (a book) along with a "new-school" component (a website). By making these connections I hope we can develop some serious understanding of the literacy involved.

Selasa, 04 Desember 2007


Web 3:

Save draft of project to Udrive by end of period. Save in folder as normal. Save both project and movie. We will get comments back and do any revisions tomorrow.

Web 1 and Web 2:

Quiz today on Flash Introduction. In the UDrive-WebSchneider is a Flash Movie called "FlashQuiz". Watch movie and then I ask that you replicate this movie. This movie contains a motion tween, a shape tween, and two layers. When done you want to "Export Movie". Save movie to folder in Udrive (bschneider-flashmovie).

I will not help you on the quiz. You need to figure this one out yourself.

Senin, 03 Desember 2007


OLPC was featured on 60 Minutes last night. Was an interesting profile that talked about the difficulty of creating a computer that would work in harsh conditions but also the difficulty the OLPC people are having in distributing these computers.

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