Rabu, 31 Juli 2013
Cara Membuat Facebook Baru
Cara Membuat Facebook - Kali ini blog's ARSIP | Cara Blog akan sedikit melenceng dari tema-tema minggu sebelumnya. Facebook adalah Jejaring sosial ( Social Network ) yang memungkinkan anda untuk mengirim pesan, berbagi foto, berkomentar dengan photo, membuat catatan atau note, menjadi seorang anggota sebuah grup, mengetahui update terbaru dari sesuatu yang anda idolakan, inginkan atau digemari
Selasa, 30 Juli 2013
Resep Cara Membuat Nastar Gulung
Resep Cara Membuat Nastar Gulung - Blog's ARSIP 2 hari belum membuat posting maka dihari ini saya akan membuat artikel lagi dan akan bertemakan Resep Cara membuat Kue Kering Nastar Gulung yang mungkin anda sedang mencari resep ini. Artikel sebelumnya mengenai : Resep Cara Membuat Kuping Gajah
Nastar Gulung
Nastar Gulung
675 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
525 gram margarin
Nastar Gulung
Nastar Gulung
675 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
525 gram margarin
Minggu, 28 Juli 2013
Cara Membuat Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll
Belajar SEO Buka Rahasia No 1 Cara Membuat Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll
anda juga bisa menaruhnya di gadget.dan silahkan anda rubah tulisan saya yang sangat tebalkan diatas dengan tulisan anda atau gambar anda.
Contoh Hasil dari Kotak Scroll diatas seperti berikut:
Sekian Cara Membuat Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll Semoga bermanfaat.
Sobat Blogger sudah tahu apa itu Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll kan?
Bagi yang masih belum tahu nanti saya kasih contohnya Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll dan sekarang kita bahas dulu apa gunanya memakai Kotak Scroll.
Box Scroll atau Kotak Scroll kegunaanya ialah memberi batasan kepada Tulisan atau Gambar agar tidak terlalu lebar atau terlalu panjang,selain itu Kotak Scroll juga sangat berguna untuk memperindah/mempercantik Blog.
adakah hubungan antara Kotak Scroll dengan SEO?
Menurut saya sih ada hubungannya,karena kotak scroll bisa mencegah lambatnya loading blog,selain itu dengan memakai kotak scroll anda bisa menuliskan banyak KATA KUNCI atau KEYWORD dan hal itu bisa sedikit mengecoh Search Engine.
Untuk Membuat Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll Silahkan anda Copy Kode berikut:
<div style="overflow:auto;width:100%px;height:50px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #555">Setelah itu silahkan anda paste di Postingan anda dalam Mode HTML jangan dalam Mode Compose.
Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll By <a href="http://bukarahasia-no1.blogspot.com/">Buka Rahasia No 1</a> Selamat menikmati dan Memanfaatkan Kotak Scroll ini Sebaik-baiknya dan silahkan anda berkreasi sendiri untuk mempercantik Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll ini sehingga sesuai dengan selera anda</div>
anda juga bisa menaruhnya di gadget.dan silahkan anda rubah tulisan saya yang sangat tebalkan diatas dengan tulisan anda atau gambar anda.
Contoh Hasil dari Kotak Scroll diatas seperti berikut:
Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll By Buka Rahasia No 1 Selamat menikmati dan Memanfaatkan Kotak Scroll ini Sebaik-baiknya dan silahkan anda berkreasi sendiri untuk mempercantik Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll ini sehingga sesuai dengan selera anda
Sekian Cara Membuat Kotak Scroll atau Box Scroll Semoga bermanfaat.
Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013
Resep Cara Membuat Kuping Gajah
Resep Cara Membuat Kuping Gajah - Kue kering dan Resep Masakan adalah tema selama bulan ramadhan ini. Dan hari ini saya akan membahas dan memberikan tutorial mengenai Cara Membuat Kuping Gajah. Bentuknya melingkar namun ada sebagian yang setengah melipat seperti kertas yang digulung, berwarna coklat dan putih atau belang dan rasanya enak pasti nya. artikel sebelumnya mengenai Resep Cara Membuat
Resep Cara Membuat Kastengel
Resep Cara Membuat Kastengel - Kue kering seperti nya adalah salah satu sajian yang wajib pada saat lebaran. Nah berhubung sekarang mendekati bulan lebaran saya aka menyediakan informasi-informasi mengenai kue kering yang akan memeriahkan meja anda ketika lebaran. Tema kali ini adalah Resep Kue Kering Kastengel. Kue ini memanjang dan rasanya gurih sekali. Pas sekali untuk saat-saat lebaran dan
Resep Cara Membuat Cookies Bola Cengkih
Resep Cara Membuat Cookies Bola Cengkih - Hari ini saya akan kembali membuat artikel dengen tema kue kering yaitu Resep Cookies Bola Cengkih dengan bahan-bahan yang tidak terlalu sulit mungkin. Menggunakan Selai nanas sebagai isian. artikel sebelumnya mengenai Resep Cara Membuat Chocolate Chips Cookies
Cookies Bola Cengkih
900 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
650 gram margarin
Cookies Bola Cengkih
900 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
650 gram margarin
Jumat, 26 Juli 2013
Resep Cara Membuat Chocolate Chips Cookies
Resep Cara Membuat Chocolate Chips Cookies - Sebelum bulan lebaran mari kita siapkan kue kering yang akan meriahkan hari lebaran di rumah anda. dan apabila anda berminat membuat kue kering chocolate chips cookies mari simak resep dibawah ini. Saya tawarkan artikel sebelumnya mengenai Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Chocolate Ball Cookies
Source : www.kiwifaves.co.nz
Resep Chocolate Chips
Source : www.kiwifaves.co.nz
Resep Chocolate Chips
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Chocolate Ball Cookies
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Chocolate Ball Cookies - Pada tanggal 27/07/2013 ini saya akan share resep kue kering chocolate ball cookies yang akan sedang anda cari disini. Kue kering ini pas sekali untuk memeriahkan hari lebaran nanti mari disimak bahan-bahan dan cara pembuatannya. Sebelumnya saya pernah share mengenai Resep Cara Membuat Cheese Stick
Resep Chocolate Ball Cookies
Resep Chocolate Ball Cookies
Kamis, 25 Juli 2013
Resep Cara Membuat Cheese Stick
Resep Cara Membuat Cheese Stick - Post ke 2 di hari yang sama, sebelumnya saya membuat artikel mengenai Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Cappuccino Cookies namun saya sekarang membuat lagi dengan resep kue kering berjudul Resep Cheese Stick, bentuknya memanjang dan juga gurih tentunya mari kita simak cara pembuatannya.
Source : tipstrikmasakan.blogspot.com
Cheese Stick
Resep Cara Membuat Kue
Source : tipstrikmasakan.blogspot.com
Cheese Stick
Resep Cara Membuat Kue
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Cappuccino Cookies
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Cappuccino Cookies - Waktu sahur hampir selesai dan di waktu ini juga saya akan share mengenai Resep Kue Kering Cappuccino Cookies yang sedang anda cari ini dengan adanya anda disini. Menjelang lebaran maka anda perlu kue-kue untuk disajikan maka saya hadir menemani anda untuk memberikan resep-resep kue tersebut. Artikel sebelumnya mengenai Resep Kue Kering Button
berapa para selebritis ini dibayar untuk sekali tweet?
Wow, mencengangkan, hanya dengan mengetik 140 karakter para artis ini dibayar ribuan dollar. Bagaimana dengan sobat twitter semua? Memang popularitas sejalan dengan penghasilan. Walaupun ada juga yang popular tapi penghasilannya tidak sepopuler profilenya. Namun demikian ketenaran membuat orang mempunyai harga jual yang tinggi, maka orang berlomba-lomba untuk menjadi artis atau entertainer. Karena dunia entertaimentlah yang paling gampang untuk meraih ketenaran.
Mau tau celebrities luar yang di bayar tinggi per tweetnya? Berapa celebrities ini di bayar untuk sekali tweet? Silahkan baca berikut;
Kim Kardashian: $ 10.000 per tweet
Twitter: @ KimKardashian
Jumlah pengikut: 17,9 juta
Charlie Sheen: $ 9.500 per tweet
Twitter: @ charliesheen
Jumlah pengikut: 9,6 juta
Setelah mantan dan Men bintang Setengah Dua memasang link ke Internships.com awal tahun ini, tweeting, "Saya sedang mencari untuk menyewa INTERN # menang dengan # TigerBlood," website tersebut mendapat 95,000 klik dalam satu jam.
Snooki (Jersey Shore): $ 7.800 per tweet
Twitter: @ Snooki
Jumlah pengikut: 6,3 juta
Bethenny Frankel: $ 5.800 per tweet
Twitter: @ Bethenny
Jumlah pengikut: 1,2 juta
Holly Madison: $ 4.000 per tweet
Twitter: @ hollymadison
Jumlah pengikut: 1,2 juta
Lindsay Lohan: $ 3.500 per tweet
Twitter: @ lindsaylohan
Jumlah pengikut: 6,3 juta
Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser): $ 3.250 per tweet
Twitter: @ JillianMichaels
Jumlah pengikut: 931.000
Ashley Benson (Pretty Liars Kecil): $ 3.250 per tweet
Twitter: @ AshBenzo
Jumlah pengikut: 1,9 juta
Mike Tyson: $ 3.200 per tweet
Twitter: @ MikeTyson
Jumlah pengikut: 3,8 juta
Heidi Montag: $ 2.900 per tweet
Twitter: @ heidimontag
Jumlah pengikut: 1,5 juta
Deena Nicole Cortese (Jersey Shore): $ 2.600 per tweet
Twitter: @ DeenaNicoleMTV
Jumlah pengikut: 1,4 juta
Ray J (bagian lain dari sex tape Kim Kardashian): $ 2.350 per tweet
Twitter: @ RayJ
Jumlah pengikut: 1,3 juta
JWOWW (Jersey Shore): $ 2.300 per tweet
Twitter: @ JENNIWOWW
Jumlah pengikut: 1,5 juta
Audrina Patridge (Dancing With the Stars Season 11): $ 1.700 per tweet
Twitter: @ AudrinaPatridge
Jumlah pengikut: 2,2 juta
Tia Mowry: $ 1.275 per tweet
Twitter: @ TiaMowry
Jumlah pengikut: 1,5 juta
Teresa Giudice (The Real Housewives of New Jersey): $ 650 per tweet
Twitter: @ Teresa_Giudice
Jumlah pengikut: 653.000
Resep Kue Kering Button Cookies
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Button Cookies - Post ke 2 untuk hari ini akan bertemakan Resep Kue Kering Button Cookies yang pasti sedang anda cari-cari dengan andanya disini untuk membaca resepnya. Mari kita lihat bahan-bahan dan cara membuat nya dibawah ini. sebelumnya anda dapat melihat resep kue kering sebelum resep kue kering ini yaitu : Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Blueberry Cookies
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Blueberry Cookies
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Blueberry Cookies - Alhamdulilah bisa share lagi. Tema kali ini adalah Resep Kue Kering Blueberry Cookies yang akan mengunggah lidah anda untuk memakannya. Bagi anda yang berminat dengan resep dan kue kering ini mari disimak cara pembuatannya.
Source : vicicookies.blogspot.com
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Blueberry Cookies
Bahan-bahan dalam pembuatan Kue
Source : vicicookies.blogspot.com
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Kering Blueberry Cookies
Bahan-bahan dalam pembuatan Kue
Rabu, 24 Juli 2013
Resep Masakan Ayam Goreng Tepung
Resep Masakan Ayam Goreng Tepung - Habis pulang sekolah saya akan share langsung artikel resep masakan yang berjudul Cara Membuat Resep Masakan Ayam Goreng Tepung yang sedang anda cari ini. Jujur saya lebih suka ayam goreng tepung dibandingkan dengan ayam goreng biasa karena ya rasanya yang nikmat dan kelezatan lebih dari ayam goreng biasa. Tetapi selera orang itu berbeda-beda mungkin anda sama
Selasa, 23 Juli 2013
Photography blogging as the other most searched blog contents.
Bloggers who run picture sites are picture takers in terms of professional career, yet photograph blogging is additionally extremely prevalent around hobbyists and apprentice shutterbugs. To be sure, a great deal of the most well known photograph websites have picked up consideration on the grounds that the pictures on them are of the most elevated masterful bore, and a great deal of the individuals who run these striking online journals are graduates of prestigious craft schools and have noteworthy expert portfolios. In any case, a portion of the most well known and regularly went by photograph sites are as eminent for their thoughts concerning the pictures themselves. Certain photograph websites, for example the mainstream "Cute Overload" which emphasizes picture after picture of cute creatures, are progressively about the topical substance of the pictures than they are about the style in which the previews are taken.
Public think that photo blogging is the most exciting sort of blogging that lives. building and keeping a photograph website is no more muddled than composing and redesigning a substance composition web journal, and numerous individuals feel that the web's fast, full-color engineering achieves the apex of its claim with the transmission of pictures. Posting photos in a site configuration on an every day, week after week, or infrequent foundation is an extraordinary approach to convey what needs be while arriving at viewers in a passionately charged and tastefully captivating way, and surfing photograph web journals can help you to get an entire new view on the planet in which we live.
The way that photograph sites go from gatherings to presentation the work of exceptionally talented artisans to perky accumulations of interests shows that photograph blogging is a positively differing shape. The way that photograph online journals are so simple to raise and to upgrade makes this sort of image based correspondence extremely majority rule, and empowers individuals whatsoever aptitude levels to turn into a part of the worldwide discussion about the nature and worth of photography today.
If you are a specialist or hobbyist who needs to make a photograph online journal, or if you are just someone who revels in researching new spots and things, investing some an opportunity taking a gander at the most prominent photography writes on the web could be an extremely compensating attempt. You can venture out to a different spot or a different time by seeing pictures of faraway areas and long-gone times. You can see your own particular neighborhood with crisp eyes by run across how nearby craftsmen have shot the town or city in which you live. Photograph blogging permits individuals to convey the greater part of these things and more, which makes it an extremely energizing part of the present day blogosphere. Provided that the best thing about web innovation is that it permits individuals to achieve one another in an extremely particular manner from crosswise over extraordinary separations, then from multiple points of view photograph web journals are the best sort of sites.
Public think that photo blogging is the most exciting sort of blogging that lives. building and keeping a photograph website is no more muddled than composing and redesigning a substance composition web journal, and numerous individuals feel that the web's fast, full-color engineering achieves the apex of its claim with the transmission of pictures. Posting photos in a site configuration on an every day, week after week, or infrequent foundation is an extraordinary approach to convey what needs be while arriving at viewers in a passionately charged and tastefully captivating way, and surfing photograph web journals can help you to get an entire new view on the planet in which we live.
The way that photograph sites go from gatherings to presentation the work of exceptionally talented artisans to perky accumulations of interests shows that photograph blogging is a positively differing shape. The way that photograph online journals are so simple to raise and to upgrade makes this sort of image based correspondence extremely majority rule, and empowers individuals whatsoever aptitude levels to turn into a part of the worldwide discussion about the nature and worth of photography today.
If you are a specialist or hobbyist who needs to make a photograph online journal, or if you are just someone who revels in researching new spots and things, investing some an opportunity taking a gander at the most prominent photography writes on the web could be an extremely compensating attempt. You can venture out to a different spot or a different time by seeing pictures of faraway areas and long-gone times. You can see your own particular neighborhood with crisp eyes by run across how nearby craftsmen have shot the town or city in which you live. Photograph blogging permits individuals to convey the greater part of these things and more, which makes it an extremely energizing part of the present day blogosphere. Provided that the best thing about web innovation is that it permits individuals to achieve one another in an extremely particular manner from crosswise over extraordinary separations, then from multiple points of view photograph web journals are the best sort of sites.
Resep Masakan : Mie Ayam
Resep Mie Ayam | Resep Masakan - Posting kedua mengenai resep masakan, sedang gencar-gencarnya membuat artikel menarik dan informatif yang sekaligus juga memberikan kemudahan bagi anda yang ingin memasak dan tidak memiliki inspirasi masak. Posting mengenai Resep Masakan: Mie Ayam ini akan sangat membantu anda. Artikel ini sebenarnya berasal dari sebuah website namun sudah tidak ada lagi, dengan
Senin, 22 Juli 2013
Resep Masakan Ayam Rica Rica
Resep Ayam Rica Rica | Resep Masakan Ayam Rica Rica - Di bulan ramadhan ini saya sedang rajin-rajinnya membuat post mengenai resep masakan... Yups karena di bulan ini resep masakan dengan dicari banyak orang dan juga termasuk anda, Tema hari ini adalah Cara Membuat Ayam Rica Rica yang terreferensi dari situs web : resepmasakanku.com
Image Source : resepmasakanku.com
Resep Masakan Ayam
Image Source : resepmasakanku.com
Resep Masakan Ayam
Resep Masakan KFC Extra Crispy
Resep Masakan KFC Extra Crispy | Share mengenai posting resep masakan dibulan ramadhan ini bertujuan memberikan anda inspirasi dalam memasak. Tema kali ini adalah Masakan KFC Extra Crispy dari namanya sudah sangat menggiurkan ya ? Oke saya kasih bahan dan cara pembuatannya dibawah ini. Referensi Artikel : resepmasakanku.com
Image Source : resep-kue-terbaru.blogspot.com
KFC Extra Crispy
Image Source : resep-kue-terbaru.blogspot.com
KFC Extra Crispy
Minggu, 21 Juli 2013
future prospect of mobile blogging
Numerous individuals feel that the limits of blogging have a considerable measure to do with geology. All things considered, there is just so present that a site could be when you have to run home and boot up with a specific end goal to upgrade it. Notwithstanding, versatile blogging imprints the starting of an exciting new period when online conveyance can happen spontaneously from any area. Moblogging gadgets imply that there is just about no place on the planet that stays forbidden for bloggers.
Portable blogging is an energizing marvel that is clearing the blogosphere. One of the explanations why a ton of bloggers are pulled in to the medium of blogging in any case is that they get a charge out of having the capacity to make visit upgrades and posts that keep the greater part of their guests up to speed with current scenarios. Versatile web journals, or "moblogs," take this to the great by permitting clients to post things truly as they happen. This new wave of moblogs and mobloggers stay up with the latest with great and terrible occasions of significance as they happen everywhere on the planet, serving to make global conveyance quicker and more exact.
Portable blogging is still in its earliest stages on the grounds that the innovation that makes it conceivable has just as of late hit the worldwide business. The predominant moblog engineering got accessible in excess of a decade prior, however it is just the previous two or three years that versatile web gadgets have gotten client amicable enough to speak to generally shoppers. As Polaroid telephones and other portable innovation come to be more well known, more bloggers are making tracks in an opposite direction from their bureaus and are hitting the lanes. Moblogging is coming to be a great deal more boundless that it was even a couple of months back, and mobloggers are rapidly pulling in a considerable measure of consideration with the blogging group. It is not yet clear if moblogs will turn into the prevailing sorts of sites in the years to come, however the present pattern appears to infer that moblogs are here to sit tight.
Portable units make it conceivable to web journal from the locales where current occasions are unfolding, which is one of the explanations why versatile blogging has so much exciting potential to upset the blogosphere. A blogger with a Polaroid telephone can post write passages from, say, the foot of the platform at a presidential discourse, or from the stands throughout the last minutes of the planet arrangement. This empowers bloggers to experience the same constant excites that live TV scope furnishes, yet in a more vote based medium. The fusion of portability and singular control that moblogging gives unquestionably puts mobloggers on the front line of today's correspondences engineering, and it is difficult to envision that the number and distinction of moblogs won't press on to develop in the advancing years.
Portable blogging is an energizing marvel that is clearing the blogosphere. One of the explanations why a ton of bloggers are pulled in to the medium of blogging in any case is that they get a charge out of having the capacity to make visit upgrades and posts that keep the greater part of their guests up to speed with current scenarios. Versatile web journals, or "moblogs," take this to the great by permitting clients to post things truly as they happen. This new wave of moblogs and mobloggers stay up with the latest with great and terrible occasions of significance as they happen everywhere on the planet, serving to make global conveyance quicker and more exact.
Portable blogging is still in its earliest stages on the grounds that the innovation that makes it conceivable has just as of late hit the worldwide business. The predominant moblog engineering got accessible in excess of a decade prior, however it is just the previous two or three years that versatile web gadgets have gotten client amicable enough to speak to generally shoppers. As Polaroid telephones and other portable innovation come to be more well known, more bloggers are making tracks in an opposite direction from their bureaus and are hitting the lanes. Moblogging is coming to be a great deal more boundless that it was even a couple of months back, and mobloggers are rapidly pulling in a considerable measure of consideration with the blogging group. It is not yet clear if moblogs will turn into the prevailing sorts of sites in the years to come, however the present pattern appears to infer that moblogs are here to sit tight.
Portable units make it conceivable to web journal from the locales where current occasions are unfolding, which is one of the explanations why versatile blogging has so much exciting potential to upset the blogosphere. A blogger with a Polaroid telephone can post write passages from, say, the foot of the platform at a presidential discourse, or from the stands throughout the last minutes of the planet arrangement. This empowers bloggers to experience the same constant excites that live TV scope furnishes, yet in a more vote based medium. The fusion of portability and singular control that moblogging gives unquestionably puts mobloggers on the front line of today's correspondences engineering, and it is difficult to envision that the number and distinction of moblogs won't press on to develop in the advancing years.
Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013
tips to selecting free blogging widgets
It is a great idea to learn about all of the kinds of free jogging a blog widgets that are available so that you can make an informed decision about what to add to your weblog, but try to keep in mind that because you can have something doesn't mean that you need it. Practice restraint and only select the choices that you think will be useful. In the event you can find out how plenty of visitors are reading your weblog by checking your traffic statistics, a visitor counter is likely to add unnecessary clutter to your page. If your weblog is text-based, a flashy background can be more of a distraction than an benefit. Be realistic about assessing what kinds of weblog accessories will help you recognize your vision and improve your site. Keep in mind that even a weblog tool that doesn't cost you any money may not be an asset in the long run.
There are plenty of free jogging a blog widgets on the market, but loading up your weblog with all of the free accessories that you can find is not necessarily a lovely suggestion. While it may be tempting to add a visitor counter, a flashy background, an thrilling new font, and a cluster of quirky animated gifs to your weblog, this type of plan can basically backfire. The key to getting the most from free weblog widgets is being selective.
There are plenty of free jogging a blog widgets on the market, but loading up your weblog with all of the free accessories that you can find is not necessarily a lovely suggestion. While it may be tempting to add a visitor counter, a flashy background, an thrilling new font, and a cluster of quirky animated gifs to your weblog, this type of plan can basically backfire. The key to getting the most from free weblog widgets is being selective.
blogging recent news stories
Blogging news tales as they unfold is of the most thrilling & controversial applications of know-how that bloggers have discovered. thing that makes the blogosphere so active is the fact that it is feasible to update a weblog instantaneously, so the news on blogs tends to be more current than the news in the paper, or on tv. Unlike news delivered by these other media, news that appears on blogs does not must travel through a series of editors & administrators before it reaches the public eye. This has some advantages, & some distinct disadvantages.
of the most notable cases of news hitting a weblog before appearing in other media took place in July 2005 when terrorism struck London. As passengers were evacuated from a subway automobile near an explosion, man took several photographs of the scene along with his mobile phone, & within an hour these images were posted online. First-person accounts of the catastrophe began appearing on blogs soon after these images appeared, & people all over the world learned about the events in London by reading the words & seeing the images posted by bloggers.
The fact that these tales & pics were being spread directly by individuals operating without the added filter of a reporter helped to make the crisis feel immediate to people across the globe. When it comes to jogging a blog, news often appears in a personal context. This has the potential to be the beginning of an thrilling new period of reporting, that takes "New Journalism" to it is logical next step by putting the power to shape how the news is written & read directly in to the hands of the public.
Lots of bloggers & cultural commentators who are champions of the weblog movement feel that this growing trend of individuals who getting their news from blogs is a lovely thing, because it makes the flow of information more democratic. By decentralizing the control of news, blogs permit more voices to enter the field of debate about important current events. However, lots of people are adamantly against the use of blogs as news outlets, & there's lots of lovely arguments on this side of the debate. Unlike newspapers or tv stations, few blogs have fact- checkers, & there is tiny attention paid to journalistic accountability on lots of blogs. This can lead to the fast spread of misinformation, & over falsehood has taken the blogosphere by storm. The questions about whether jogging a blog news as it happens is ethical or not are complicated, but no matter where you stand on the topic of current events blogs you are sure to agree that this movement has the potential to revolutionize how modern people get their news.
of the most notable cases of news hitting a weblog before appearing in other media took place in July 2005 when terrorism struck London. As passengers were evacuated from a subway automobile near an explosion, man took several photographs of the scene along with his mobile phone, & within an hour these images were posted online. First-person accounts of the catastrophe began appearing on blogs soon after these images appeared, & people all over the world learned about the events in London by reading the words & seeing the images posted by bloggers.
The fact that these tales & pics were being spread directly by individuals operating without the added filter of a reporter helped to make the crisis feel immediate to people across the globe. When it comes to jogging a blog, news often appears in a personal context. This has the potential to be the beginning of an thrilling new period of reporting, that takes "New Journalism" to it is logical next step by putting the power to shape how the news is written & read directly in to the hands of the public.
Lots of bloggers & cultural commentators who are champions of the weblog movement feel that this growing trend of individuals who getting their news from blogs is a lovely thing, because it makes the flow of information more democratic. By decentralizing the control of news, blogs permit more voices to enter the field of debate about important current events. However, lots of people are adamantly against the use of blogs as news outlets, & there's lots of lovely arguments on this side of the debate. Unlike newspapers or tv stations, few blogs have fact- checkers, & there is tiny attention paid to journalistic accountability on lots of blogs. This can lead to the fast spread of misinformation, & over falsehood has taken the blogosphere by storm. The questions about whether jogging a blog news as it happens is ethical or not are complicated, but no matter where you stand on the topic of current events blogs you are sure to agree that this movement has the potential to revolutionize how modern people get their news.
Money blogging tips for beginners
In the event that you recently invest a decent measure of time blogging, cash might come to you actually when you request it. When you have a created site with a standard readership, it is not difficult to turn a benefit through publicizing. By hosting supported connections or standards, you can see pay from your interest practically overnight. Regardless of the fact that you didn't begin your site meaning to turn a benefit, making supplementary wages from your website may be simpler than you consider.
Obviously, indeed, for individuals who have used months or years blogging, cash from promoting income may not make any sense to a huge entirety. The measure of cash that you can make as a blogger hinges on upon a ton of diverse components, however maybe the most critical component of the mathematical statement is the point of your site. In the event that your online journal is on a subject that speaks to a demographic that publicists have an in number yearning to achieve, you can have the ability to turn a huge benefit on your online journal than if your online journal is on a reasonably darken subject that does not draw the sort of gathering of people that promoters need to speak to. Obviously, the best way to figure out where you succumb to this range is to attempt hosting a few ads. Assuming that you are now blogging, you have nothing to lose.
Obviously, indeed, for individuals who have used months or years blogging, cash from promoting income may not make any sense to a huge entirety. The measure of cash that you can make as a blogger hinges on upon a ton of diverse components, however maybe the most critical component of the mathematical statement is the point of your site. In the event that your online journal is on a subject that speaks to a demographic that publicists have an in number yearning to achieve, you can have the ability to turn a huge benefit on your online journal than if your online journal is on a reasonably darken subject that does not draw the sort of gathering of people that promoters need to speak to. Obviously, the best way to figure out where you succumb to this range is to attempt hosting a few ads. Assuming that you are now blogging, you have nothing to lose.
Jumat, 19 Juli 2013
Blogging small enterprise owners
Blogging for entrepreneurs has a great deal in the same manner as all different sorts of strolling a site, yet its own particular remarkable pitfalls & qualities. The key to having an auspicious weblog as an entrepreneur is keeping your objectives clear & cement at each go of your strolling a site exploit. It might be all to easy to get diverted, the occasion you are looking into the exciting plausible outcomes of strolling a site adroitness, however in the occasion you require your weblog to succeed you have to stay centered. Compose up an arrangement for how regularly you will redesign, the way you will push your weblog & hold bookworms, if you will offer photos or film, & different parts of your weblog, & then adhere to it with the same sort of determination that you utilized when you fabricated your organization.
In case you run a tiny company, you may find that the world of walking a blog for business owners is a world that you need to be an element of. Walking a blog is a great way to get the word out to consumers about your product or service, and it may even be useful for inspiring worker loyalty and helping you keep your workers at peak morale. In case you are looking for a way to take your business to the next level, think about what beginning a weblog might be able to do for you.
Kamis, 18 Juli 2013
is good idea enough for succesful blogging?
Every great jogging a blog website starts with a great idea, and you cannot build a successful site that will last
without. There's plenty of great sites aimed at today's bloggers, and competition for the attention of
this growing demographic is fierce. To make your jogging a blog website stand out from the pack, you will
require to offer something that no other site is currently offering, or you will require to do the same thing that an already popular site does but in a more impressive or valuable way.
way to discover an ideal model for your jogging a blog website is to look at the sites that have successfully captured a jogging a blog audience already to choose in the event you can appropriate a number of their strategies to help recognize your vision. Of coursework, you will also require to add a distinctive flair to your project in order to stand apart from your competition. Plenty of people agree that the world wide web pages that do the best in today's market are the sites that have the most character. The fiercely individual
surfers who are bloggers are a demographic that responds strongly to character, so think about
the way you can give your site a distinctive and pretty feeling by lending your own voice and sensibility to
your site's design and content.
Because there's so plenty of blogs and web pages about blogs on the net, it can be hard to distinguish your jogging a blog website from all of the others. Whether you are beginning up a new website aimed at bloggers or whether you are looking to make your existing jogging a blog site more unique, the key to building and maintaining a site that will capture the interest and attention of the jogging a blog community is finding your niche. In the event you can fill a distinctive require in a way that no other website does, you'll be able to build an enduring readership among web surfers. One time you have discovered a niche, you will still have a lot to do, but finding your place in the blogosphere is the place to start.
One time you have a great idea for your site, have pinpointed a special niche that you are well equipped to
fill, and have infused the site with character, the next step is figuring out how to get the word out to bloggers. In the long run, a great idea is not to propel your jogging a blog website to success. You will require to draft a clever and realistic marketing plan in order to draw readers to your site. One time you hook a blogger, your great content will keep them coming back, but it is vital to get that first glance or your site won't have a chance to shine.
without. There's plenty of great sites aimed at today's bloggers, and competition for the attention of
this growing demographic is fierce. To make your jogging a blog website stand out from the pack, you will
require to offer something that no other site is currently offering, or you will require to do the same thing that an already popular site does but in a more impressive or valuable way.
way to discover an ideal model for your jogging a blog website is to look at the sites that have successfully captured a jogging a blog audience already to choose in the event you can appropriate a number of their strategies to help recognize your vision. Of coursework, you will also require to add a distinctive flair to your project in order to stand apart from your competition. Plenty of people agree that the world wide web pages that do the best in today's market are the sites that have the most character. The fiercely individual
surfers who are bloggers are a demographic that responds strongly to character, so think about
the way you can give your site a distinctive and pretty feeling by lending your own voice and sensibility to
your site's design and content.
Because there's so plenty of blogs and web pages about blogs on the net, it can be hard to distinguish your jogging a blog website from all of the others. Whether you are beginning up a new website aimed at bloggers or whether you are looking to make your existing jogging a blog site more unique, the key to building and maintaining a site that will capture the interest and attention of the jogging a blog community is finding your niche. In the event you can fill a distinctive require in a way that no other website does, you'll be able to build an enduring readership among web surfers. One time you have discovered a niche, you will still have a lot to do, but finding your place in the blogosphere is the place to start.
One time you have a great idea for your site, have pinpointed a special niche that you are well equipped to
fill, and have infused the site with character, the next step is figuring out how to get the word out to bloggers. In the long run, a great idea is not to propel your jogging a blog website to success. You will require to draft a clever and realistic marketing plan in order to draw readers to your site. One time you hook a blogger, your great content will keep them coming back, but it is vital to get that first glance or your site won't have a chance to shine.
Selasa, 16 Juli 2013
Cara Membuat Daftar Isi Blog dengan Menu
Cara Membuat Daftar Isi Blog Keren dan Elegan Dengan Tambahan Menu itu Seperti apa ? Coba anda mampir ke halaman Daftar Post dengan mengklik menu Daftar Post di blog saya ini, bagaimana Daftar isinya ? Keren bukan ? Berwarna dan dilengkapi menu sidebar... Hal seperti ini baik untuk navigasi, visitor akan lebih mudah mencari sesuatu berdasarkan kategori yang dimasukkan kedalam menu Daftar Isi tadi
Resep Cara Membuat SEMUR Tahu Telur Bumbu Kecap
Resep Cara Membuat SEMUR Tahu Telur Bumbu Kecap - Tadi pagi saya sudah membuat posting mengenai masakan lagi yaitu Resep Cara Membuat Cakalang Garo Rica Sekarang saya akan membuat lagi tema masakan di bulan ramadhan yang penuh berkah. Dengan menyajikan makanan yang lezat dan bergizi di bulan ramadhan akan membuat semangat berpuasa yaitu SEMUR Tahu Telur Bumbu Kecap untuk anda. bagaimana sih
Senin, 15 Juli 2013
Cara Membuat CAKALANG Garo Rica [ MANADO ]
Cara Membuat CAKALANG Garo Rica [ MANADO ] - Manado itu dikenal juga sebagai daerah yang terkenal karena kuliner masakan laut. Cakalang itu apa sih ? Setau saya cakalang itu sejenis Tuna, selain medan itu terkenal dengan kuliner masakan laut yang mantap lezat ternyata medan juga terkenal dengan masakan pedas dan agak asam. Nah itu hanya sekedar informasi sekilas mengenai kota Manado... Oke mari
Kode Simbol Rahasia Facebook
Kode Simbol Rahasia Facebook ? Share nih tentang kode-kode simbol yang akan menampilkan wajah atau bentuk yang unik, didapatkan dari sebuah blog saya juga ingin repost dengan gaya bahasa yang berbeda dan tentu murni ketikkan sendiri. Contoh simbol-simbol tersebut seperti gambar yang ada dibawah ini. Sungguh menarik bukan ? Bagaimana cara membuatnya ? Masih belum tau ? ya udah saya kasih tau
Cara Memasang Iklan di Tengah Posting
Cara Memasang Iklan di Tengah Posting Blog ? Mengapa harus demikian ?? Jika anda seorang publisher dan ingin dapat banyak klik yang berdampak pada peningkatan earning anda, anda harus memiliki strategi pemasangan iklan agar iklan tersebut menggiurkan untuk di klik oleh para pengunjung anda. Dengan Memasang Iklan baik itu AdSense, Chitika, KlikSaya, atau program periklanan lainnya di tengah
Cara Membuat NASI Goreng Spesial
Cara Membuat NASI Goreng Spesial Lezat ? Saya akan share disini bagaimana cara memasak nasi goreng spesial tersebut tetapi sebelum membahas bahan-bahan dan bagaimana cara pembuatannya saya akan memberi informasi sekilas mengenai NASI GORENG. Nasi Goreng merupakan sebuah makanan yang berupa nasi yang diaduk dan juga di goreng bersamaan dalam minyak goreng atau margarin. Umumnya nasi goreng itu
Resep Cara Membuat NASI PANGGANG BAKAR yang Lezat
Resep Cara Membuat NASI PANGGANG BAKAR yang Lezat - Menarik bukan ? Resep ini adalah Resep Orang, Berasal dari situs blog resep-masakanmudah karena saya tertarik dengan resep makanan ini saya repost kembali dengan gaya bahasa saya. untuk Screenshot dari makanan yang sudah jadi seperti gambar dibawah ini. Oke mari kita persiapkan bahan-bahan, lalu kemudian Cara Membuatnya
Bahan Nasi Panggang
Bahan Nasi Panggang
Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013
Mau Mendapatkan Banyak Backlink dalam Sekejap ?
Mau Mendapatkan Banyak Backlink dalam Sekejap ? Ini sebuah judul yang menggiurkan ya namun sepertinya kurang untuk dipercayai kalimatnya hehe... ini terserah anda apakah ingin mempercayai saya atau tidak, yang jelas saya akan tetap share bagaimana cara mendapatkan backlink namun tidak hanya Sekejap. emangnya hidup itu instan jadi bisa dapat backlink banyak dengan Sekejap ? untuk lahir ke dunia
Converting Every Visitor into Subscriber
If a person visits your website and leaves, chances are that he or she will not come back, especially if there are no compelling reasons to do so. After all, we all behave rather impulsively on the Internet, so much so that we can easily forget where we were 10 web pages ago.
But the bottom line is that your visitor may not come back to your website again. If 1,000 visitors visit your website, leave and never come back again, you can imagine the amount of potential revenue lost, simply because they do not come back. You could have converted a fraction of the visitors into your customers.
Some may say that creating unique content can keep some of the visitors coming back, but very often, unique content is not the solution. The real, long-term solution lies in converting your visitors into subscribers of your mailing list.
Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her into your subscriber via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor’s name and email address through your opt-in form.
And if your visitor signs up to be on your mailing list, you can still follow up with him via email. You can get your subscriber to consider your offer, or endorse another offer to him or her.
All in all, you want to convert as many visitors into subscribers as possible and obtain the potential revenue you rightfully deserve – the easy, wise way.
But the bottom line is that your visitor may not come back to your website again. If 1,000 visitors visit your website, leave and never come back again, you can imagine the amount of potential revenue lost, simply because they do not come back. You could have converted a fraction of the visitors into your customers.
Some may say that creating unique content can keep some of the visitors coming back, but very often, unique content is not the solution. The real, long-term solution lies in converting your visitors into subscribers of your mailing list.
Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her into your subscriber via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor’s name and email address through your opt-in form.
And if your visitor signs up to be on your mailing list, you can still follow up with him via email. You can get your subscriber to consider your offer, or endorse another offer to him or her.
All in all, you want to convert as many visitors into subscribers as possible and obtain the potential revenue you rightfully deserve – the easy, wise way.
Jumat, 12 Juli 2013
Resep Tempe Goreng
Resep Tempe Goreng - Mumpung lagi bulan ramadhan gk ada salahnya saya share tentang Resep Tempe Goreng ini. Banyak ibu-ibu, remaja yang pasti perlu menghidangkan makanan enak nan bergizi ketika ramadhan.. nah mari simak resepnya dibawah... oh ya tidak lupa artikel ini terreferensi dari farlys.com dikarenakan saya memang bukan seorang ahli masak jadi memang membutuhkan referensi....
Kamis, 11 Juli 2013
Cheat Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 PS2
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 Cheats - Share kembali Cheat untuk Game Offline, jangan salah dalam membedakan antara cheat game online dengan cheat game offline karena biasnaya cheat game online itu melanggar sedangkan game offline itu sah-sah saja, tak dilarang karena tidak merugikan siapapun. Oke itu hanya sekedar info mengenai Cheats. saya akan share nih cheat Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 PS2, ini dia
Resep Cara Membuat RainBow Cake yang Enak
Resep Cara Membuat RainBow Cake yang Enak atau Lezat - Artikel ke 3 di hari yang sama setelah saya membuat beberapa post yang berbeda tema. Oke Sekarang saya akan share Resep Rainbow Cake yang terreferensi dari situs Tempat Online Ku ini jauh dari tema blog saya yaitu blogging, memang blog saya ini acak-acakan dalam memilih tema artikel. Rainbow cake atau bisa disebut Kue Pelangi ini adalah kue
Rabu, 10 Juli 2013
internet promotion with little spending
The net biz has created this world an open enterprise. It's become necessary for corporationsto additional expand their market and their shopper targets. partakingto internet Promotion maybea risk for people UN agency need to be attached this sort of business.
At the instant, you'll be able to use varied internet Promotion Solutions that's being offered by corporations which mightbe your device for support to your customers. This answer maybee-mail promotion, computer programme optimisation or generating web content or sites. Since you need to maximise your comeprofit, you need to pick out internet Promotion Solutions which will assist youaccomplish this. These promotion techniques will notvalue abundantsince they're obvious, thus, learned essentially.
Make definite that the majority of your target customers will definitelyacquire your product. admit the simplest product which can definitelycapture their interests and desires. this suggests that you just need to spotspecifically UN agency these individuals area unit, their location and money level within the society. Have a promotion data and ability to accomplish your objective within the field of internetpromotion.
E-mail promotion could be a common internet promotion answer. this is often a priceeffective approach of communicationand interacting to your customers, driving them to go to your internetwebsite and look intoyour product. it's going to be in an exceedingly approach of promotion articles, leading them to forums or newsletters. A account has a plus of increasingyour customers as more and more sign in on that till you'll be able to have a bulk list of emails.
Another nice internetpromotion answer is thru sites. this is often a pleasant promotion strategy to use since you'll be able to show all the mandatoryinfo for your target customers. world wide web websiteneed to capture their interest and be complete since each dealing, from inquiry to payments might happen. All correspondence which will be completed on-line should be well-facilitated by the options of your internet website.
Thinking about these internet Promotion answer, there is totally different corporationsgiving application productcontaining or all of those solutions. it might be a good chance to do of those which canmatch your money capability and expected come profit.
Another internet promotion answeris computer programme optimisation. this is often be} a form of service for your internet{site|website|web website} that you just can create use of so as to boost the quantity of touriststo your site. just one occasion a shopper makes use of a research engine, your internet website can rank high within the list of searches thatreciprocally canincrease your site's traffic.
At the instant, you'll be able to use varied internet Promotion Solutions that's being offered by corporations which mightbe your device for support to your customers. This answer maybee-mail promotion, computer programme optimisation or generating web content or sites. Since you need to maximise your comeprofit, you need to pick out internet Promotion Solutions which will assist youaccomplish this. These promotion techniques will notvalue abundantsince they're obvious, thus, learned essentially.
Make definite that the majority of your target customers will definitelyacquire your product. admit the simplest product which can definitelycapture their interests and desires. this suggests that you just need to spotspecifically UN agency these individuals area unit, their location and money level within the society. Have a promotion data and ability to accomplish your objective within the field of internetpromotion.
E-mail promotion could be a common internet promotion answer. this is often a priceeffective approach of communicationand interacting to your customers, driving them to go to your internetwebsite and look intoyour product. it's going to be in an exceedingly approach of promotion articles, leading them to forums or newsletters. A account has a plus of increasingyour customers as more and more sign in on that till you'll be able to have a bulk list of emails.
Another nice internetpromotion answer is thru sites. this is often a pleasant promotion strategy to use since you'll be able to show all the mandatoryinfo for your target customers. world wide web websiteneed to capture their interest and be complete since each dealing, from inquiry to payments might happen. All correspondence which will be completed on-line should be well-facilitated by the options of your internet website.
Thinking about these internet Promotion answer, there is totally different corporationsgiving application productcontaining or all of those solutions. it might be a good chance to do of those which canmatch your money capability and expected come profit.
Another internet promotion answeris computer programme optimisation. this is often be} a form of service for your internet{site|website|web website} that you just can create use of so as to boost the quantity of touriststo your site. just one occasion a shopper makes use of a research engine, your internet website can rank high within the list of searches thatreciprocally canincrease your site's traffic.
Lirik Lagu n Kunci Gitar Lagu NOAH - Hidup untuk Mu Mati Tanpa Mu
Lirik Lagu n Kunci Gitar Lagu NOAH - Hidup untuk Mu Mati Tanpa Mu | Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan band satu ini, Peterpan berganti nama menjadi Noah pada tanggal 2 agustus 2012 NOAH Band atau dahulu bernama Peterpan adalah band yang cukup legendaris dan lagu-lagunya selalu laris manis di pasaran. Sekarang Noah terdiri dari Ariel sebagai Vokalis, Uki, Lukman, Reza, dan David. Menurut ariel Nama
Selasa, 09 Juli 2013
Cara Membuat Blog di Wordpress
Cara Membuat Blog Wordpress -Bagi anda yang ingin memulai ngeblog anda dapat membuat blog wordpress atau blogger. 2 situs ini amat populer dan banyak digunakan, tapi menurut pribadi blogspot atau blogger lah yang paling banyak digunakan para blogger, apabila anda lebih tertarik membuat blog berflatform .blogspot.com saya telah membuat post dengan tema tersebut yaitu Cara Membuat Blog di Blogger .
Daftar Harga HP Nokia Baru dan Second Terbaru 2013
Daftar Harga Handphone atau Ponsel Terbaru 2013 - Dijaman sekarang ini Handphone atau tepatnya ponsel sudah menjadi sebuah kebutuhan, Mengapa kebutuhan ? Dengan handphone anda bisa menelepon seseorang yang sangat jauh dan berbicaranya langsung walaupun tidak dengan tatap muka sehingga bagi para pengusaha atau pebisnis ini komunikasi cepat dan efisien ini dapat mempercepat hubungan antara pebisnis
Minggu, 07 Juli 2013
Bagaimana Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat di Muka
Image Source : teriaaak.blogspot.com
Bagaimana Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Secara Alami - Jerawat menjadi sebuah persoalan atau masalah yang harus dihadapi seorang remaja atau orang dewasa terutama perempuan yang selalu ingin tampil cantik. Dengan jerawat kecantikan seseorang biasanya akan terhalangi, walaupun tidak terlalu menutupi kecantikan anda. Jerawat memang menjadi momok bagi para
Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Modem Telkomsel Flash
Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Modem Telkomsel Flash - Trik-trik mempercepat koneksi ini tidak melanggar aturan dan aman tidak seperti SSH yaitu trik Unlimitied dan Mempercepat Koneksi kita hanya akan menggunakan settingan-settingan yang tereferensi dari blog sebelah. Saya sudah mencantumkan link referensi dibawah. Dunia internet semakin baju penggunanya pun semakin banyak dan bertambah terus
Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013
long term plan of blogging for profit
Many people dream of walking a blog for profit, and this aim is not far beyond the reach of somebody with average intelligence, a willingness to work hard, and a basic grasp of walking a blog know-how. However, only a few people manage to reap the profits they need from their weblog. Most individuals who try to make money with their blogs do not succeed for reasons. Often, bloggers have unrealistic expectations of how speedy their readership will grow and how much money they will make, and when these expectations are not met the disappointment can crush the desire to continue walking a blog. The other trap that lots of bloggers fall in to has to do with lack of planning. In the event you need to turn a
profit as a blogger, the key to success is to make a realistic plan and stick with it.
To succeed at walking a blog for profit, the main thing that you will need is a massive readership. The higher your traffic, the more advertisers will agree to pay you. However, cultivating the regular visitors that you will need in order to make a profit isnt simple. As more and more blogs appear each day, having a great idea or a brilliant writing style is no longer to get attention. You need to be able to market your weblog effectively.
Of work, even in the event you are a promotion genius or have a great idea for a weblog, success is not going to happen overnight. Building the kind of readership that walking a blog for profit requires takes time, and in all likelihood it will be at least several months before you can turn much of a profit. Try to stay committed to your walking a blog project in the work of this preliminary rough period.To stay motivated, set goals for how often you will update and how lots of readers you need to attract, and
then reward yourself for sticking together with your plan.
lots of bloggers spend all of their time writing posts and no time promotion their project. To be
definite, updating as often as you can is a great way to keep your weblog high on blogrolls and high in weblog search engines like technorati, and one time your readers know that you update often they will return to your site on a regular basis. However, it does not matter how often you update if nobody is reading your page, so don’t skimp on the time that you spend drawing visitors to your site. To make your dreams of walking a blog for profit a reality, try decreasing your number of posts and using
some of that time to draw new visitors by setting up link exchanges with other bloggers, making contacts in the weblog community, and following other established modes of winning traffic.
profit as a blogger, the key to success is to make a realistic plan and stick with it.
To succeed at walking a blog for profit, the main thing that you will need is a massive readership. The higher your traffic, the more advertisers will agree to pay you. However, cultivating the regular visitors that you will need in order to make a profit isnt simple. As more and more blogs appear each day, having a great idea or a brilliant writing style is no longer to get attention. You need to be able to market your weblog effectively.
Of work, even in the event you are a promotion genius or have a great idea for a weblog, success is not going to happen overnight. Building the kind of readership that walking a blog for profit requires takes time, and in all likelihood it will be at least several months before you can turn much of a profit. Try to stay committed to your walking a blog project in the work of this preliminary rough period.To stay motivated, set goals for how often you will update and how lots of readers you need to attract, and
then reward yourself for sticking together with your plan.
lots of bloggers spend all of their time writing posts and no time promotion their project. To be
definite, updating as often as you can is a great way to keep your weblog high on blogrolls and high in weblog search engines like technorati, and one time your readers know that you update often they will return to your site on a regular basis. However, it does not matter how often you update if nobody is reading your page, so don’t skimp on the time that you spend drawing visitors to your site. To make your dreams of walking a blog for profit a reality, try decreasing your number of posts and using
some of that time to draw new visitors by setting up link exchanges with other bloggers, making contacts in the weblog community, and following other established modes of winning traffic.
Cheat Downhill Domination PS2
Image Source : letgamezone.blogspot.com
Downhill Domination Cheats Playstation 2 - Downhill Domination termasuk dalam kategori game terpopuler dalam PS2 mengapa demikian ? karena saya sering melihat orang-orang bermain game tersebut hehe... Game satu ini mengenai balapan sepeda, dengan jalur lintasan yang sulit yaitu di perbukitan, gunung berbatu, pinggiran sungai, kota, sampai digunung
Jumat, 05 Juli 2013
How to manotize articles through article directories
Articles directories are an extraordinary place to put your articles with the intention that they will profit. By utilizing this strategy, individuals who are intrigued by your item or administration will see your article, view you as a master in the subject, and will visit your site. Regardless of the possibility that you can't compose or don't have any learning on the subject on which you are advertising for instance for you run a partner site), you can dependably procure a journalist to do the work for you. Getting quality articles composed will be exorbitant in advance, however they will pay for themselves in the blink of an eye, either through partner deals or advertising your own particular administrations, and everything from that point on is perfect benefit.
Article directories are sites that house free articles. These articles are ordinarily put there by whoever claims the copyright to them as an advancement strategy. Every article has the possessors byline put under it for the purpose that those who in the future read the article can know who kept in touch with it (or regardless who possesses it) and will get in contact with or visit their site for further qualified data.
We should take a genuine case. Envision that you are a bookkeeper telecommuting. You compose an article on a bookkeeping point and put it on different article registries. Those who are searching for the subject you expounded on will read your article, see that you have the learning and expertise that is demanded to do something for them, and visit your site or contact you through message. Your article recently picked up you another customer who might utilize your administrations consistently, yet will doubtlessly give you a fantastic benefit no less than once.
Moreover, since you have posted it on a free article index, other people who have partner sites about bookkeeping will unavoidably utilize your article for their site. Since they should append your byline to it, this will carry you significantly more presentation for each site that re-posts your article. This in light of the fact that you will be profiting of off the activity that they get to their site.
There are various article indexes out there for you to use. Your wager best is to put a duplicate of each of your articles on each one for greatest presentation. It will in the future serve to carry more activity and clients to your site, which will prompt new requests and more benefit.
Article directories are sites that house free articles. These articles are ordinarily put there by whoever claims the copyright to them as an advancement strategy. Every article has the possessors byline put under it for the purpose that those who in the future read the article can know who kept in touch with it (or regardless who possesses it) and will get in contact with or visit their site for further qualified data.
We should take a genuine case. Envision that you are a bookkeeper telecommuting. You compose an article on a bookkeeping point and put it on different article registries. Those who are searching for the subject you expounded on will read your article, see that you have the learning and expertise that is demanded to do something for them, and visit your site or contact you through message. Your article recently picked up you another customer who might utilize your administrations consistently, yet will doubtlessly give you a fantastic benefit no less than once.
Moreover, since you have posted it on a free article index, other people who have partner sites about bookkeeping will unavoidably utilize your article for their site. Since they should append your byline to it, this will carry you significantly more presentation for each site that re-posts your article. This in light of the fact that you will be profiting of off the activity that they get to their site.
There are various article indexes out there for you to use. Your wager best is to put a duplicate of each of your articles on each one for greatest presentation. It will in the future serve to carry more activity and clients to your site, which will prompt new requests and more benefit.
Review paket internet kartu gsm axis
Review paket internet kartu gsm axis. Operator seluler yang berkecimpung di dunia perinternetan semakin ketat bersaing. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan menuturkan pengalaman saya menggunakan kartu gsm axis untuk berselancar di dunia maya.
Ada beberapa paket yang pernah saya coba. Pertama saya coba paket mingguan Rp 10.000. saya mendapatkan FUP saya tidak tahu singkatan FUP. FUP saya 200 MB. Saya registrasi dan saya browse dengan modem 3.6 MBps. Hasilnya lumayan cepat dan menyenangkan.
Tetapi saya menjadi kaget ketika menerima sms bahwa kuota saya sudah habis. Saya menggunakan internet kurang lebih 4 jam. Dengan tenggang waktu yang terpotong-potong. Setelah menerima sms tersebut kecepatan berinternet langsung turun 50 %. Meskipun begitu saya masih mendapat jatah berinternetan selama seminggu dengan kecepatan yang sudah drop tadi.
Paket yang kedua saya coba paket super hemat Rp 500. Paket ini paket harian yang mendapat kuota 15MB perhari setelah menggunakan Rp 1500 pulsa saya mendapat jatah internet seharian sampai jam 00.00. Jadi kalau memakai paket ini jangan jam 11 malem. Karena setelah jam 00.00 anda akan terkena charge lagi Rp 1500. Kecepaten berinternet denga paket ini sama cepat ketika saya menggunakan paket mingguan. Ketika 15 Mb belum habis ya cepat. Tapi setelah habis ya drop 50 %. Kuota !5 MB kira-kira hanya 10 sampai 15 menit. Jadi yah begitulah setelah habis kembali saya berinternat dengan lambat. Tetapi jatah berinternet 24 jam memang betul. Sehingga kalau Cuma buka email, ngeblog dan surfing masih bisa asal jangan nonton youtube.
Ada beberapa paket yang pernah saya coba. Pertama saya coba paket mingguan Rp 10.000. saya mendapatkan FUP saya tidak tahu singkatan FUP. FUP saya 200 MB. Saya registrasi dan saya browse dengan modem 3.6 MBps. Hasilnya lumayan cepat dan menyenangkan.
Tetapi saya menjadi kaget ketika menerima sms bahwa kuota saya sudah habis. Saya menggunakan internet kurang lebih 4 jam. Dengan tenggang waktu yang terpotong-potong. Setelah menerima sms tersebut kecepatan berinternet langsung turun 50 %. Meskipun begitu saya masih mendapat jatah berinternetan selama seminggu dengan kecepatan yang sudah drop tadi.
Paket yang kedua saya coba paket super hemat Rp 500. Paket ini paket harian yang mendapat kuota 15MB perhari setelah menggunakan Rp 1500 pulsa saya mendapat jatah internet seharian sampai jam 00.00. Jadi kalau memakai paket ini jangan jam 11 malem. Karena setelah jam 00.00 anda akan terkena charge lagi Rp 1500. Kecepaten berinternet denga paket ini sama cepat ketika saya menggunakan paket mingguan. Ketika 15 Mb belum habis ya cepat. Tapi setelah habis ya drop 50 %. Kuota !5 MB kira-kira hanya 10 sampai 15 menit. Jadi yah begitulah setelah habis kembali saya berinternat dengan lambat. Tetapi jatah berinternet 24 jam memang betul. Sehingga kalau Cuma buka email, ngeblog dan surfing masih bisa asal jangan nonton youtube.
review kartu gdm XL axiata untuk paket internet
Review singkat kartu Gsm Xl axiata untuk paket internetan. Berinternetan memang menyenangkan , apalagi kalau gratis, maunya sih gratisan. Kali ini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman saya menggunakan kartu gsm xl untuk berinternetan.
Saya tertarik dengan iklan gratis selama 6 bulan. Karena sukanya yang gratisan, langsung saya beli tuh kartu. Setelah saya coba saya senang sekali dapat gratisan. Tiba-tiba ketika saya pakai baru 5 menit. Langsung disconnect dan ada pemberitahuan dari pihak XL axiata balanca anda tidak cukup. Ternyata gratis enam bulan itu benar tapi kuotanya Cuma sekitar 5 MB perhari. 5 MB perhari sih cuma buka gmail ada sudah habis.
Saya masih penasaran dengan iklan 5 GB kuota . saya beli paket tersebut. Oow, cepat sekali, tapi uups, setelah kurang lebih lima hari kuota 500 MB dari jam 12.00 sampai 24.00 sudah habis. Saya sudah tidak bisa berinternetan mulai jam 12.00 sampai 24.00. untungya saya masih bisa pakai jam 00.00 sampai jam 12.00. Entah berapa hari kuota yang pagi. Saya tulis ini sudah kira-kira 10 hari.
Kalau masalah kecepatan akses. Xl cukup bagus dan cepat. Dengan modem 3.6 Mbs saya bisa buka google plus yang agak berat. Nah sekian dulu. Kalau ada pengalaman dari teman-teman silahkan beri komentar saja di sini.
Kamis, 04 Juli 2013
Cara Mendaftar di DMCA Protected
Cara Mendaftar di DMCA - Sudah beberapa hari tidak membuat post sekarang membuat lagi. Kali ini saya akan memberi tutorial dalam pendaftaran di DMCA. Apa itu DMCA ? DMCA atau Singkatan dari Digital Millenium Copyright Act merupakan Perlindungan Hak cipta terhadap sebuah konten, atau lain sebagainya. Gemarnya blogger indonesia untuk melakukan penggandaan harus diwaspadai karena dapat menimbulkan
Berikut ini adalah daftar isi Yuviter Tips untuk mempermudah anda mencari Artikel dan informasi sesuai dengan keinginan anda, Tinggalkan Komentar Jika artikel di bawah ini anda nilai Bermanfaat.
Bacalah dengan teliti dan seksama, panduan dan tutorial Blog ini, jika anda belum paham silahkan menghubungi saya
Bacalah dengan teliti dan seksama, panduan dan tutorial Blog ini, jika anda belum paham silahkan menghubungi saya
Rabu, 03 Juli 2013
Cara Memasang Widget Recent Posts
Optimasi Pada Halaman Blog memang sangat penting, terutama membuat sistem navigasi yang jelas untuk para pengunjung, sehingga akan menjadikan blog lebih ramah karena mempermudah pengunjung menemukan konten bagian dalam laman blog anda. >
Menurut Para pakar SEO Sistem navigasi yang baik adalah teknik Optimasi SEO ONPAGE ( Bagian dalam laman blog ), salah satunya dengan menambahkan Widget
Menurut Para pakar SEO Sistem navigasi yang baik adalah teknik Optimasi SEO ONPAGE ( Bagian dalam laman blog ), salah satunya dengan menambahkan Widget
Tutorial Blogging,
About ID
Yuviter Tips adalah Situs Blog yang Sederhana menyajikan artikel yang membahas berbagai Informasi Bagi Dunia Maya terutama untuk para blogging yang membutuhkan panduan. Blog ini menyediakan beragam artikel berdasarkan sumber-sumber terpercaya dari dunia internet didapat dari mesin pencari terbesar dunia yaitu Google.
Beberapa artikel yang telah diterbitkan oleh blog ini adalah mengenai panduan
Beberapa artikel yang telah diterbitkan oleh blog ini adalah mengenai panduan
Optimasi Preferense Penelusuran Blog
Setelan Preferense Penelusuran ( Preferences search ) sangat berhubungan dengan kinerja blog anda di mesin pencari yang meliputi Tag Meta Deskripsi ( Meta Tag Description ), Kesalahan dan Pengalihan, Perayap dan pengindeksan.
Sesuai dengan janji saya pada artikel sebelumnya mengenai setelan blog di blogger, pada kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan sedikit tips untuk melakukan optimasi pada
Sesuai dengan janji saya pada artikel sebelumnya mengenai setelan blog di blogger, pada kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan sedikit tips untuk melakukan optimasi pada
Setelan target geografis Penayangan Blog
Apakah anda pernah berfikir dimana nanti target dan tujuan situs web anda akan ditayangkan oleh mesin pencari ?, Apakah anda telah melakukan konfigurasi dengan google webmaster dan bing pengguna di negara mana yang menjadi tujuan penayangan blog atau situs web anda ?, Kedua pertanyaan diatas penting untuk optimasi mesin pencari situs web anda, ( dalam bahasa inggris Search engine optimization
Menambahkan Artikel Terkait di Blogger
Artikel terkait atau dalam bahasa inggris ( related post ) merupakan kumpulan link yang berkaitan dengan postingan yang kita buat dan dihubungkan melalui label, dengan tujuan mempermudah pengunjung mencari konten yang di inginkan.
Anda bisa melihat contoh penelusuran terkait pada mesin pencari google sewaktu kita mencari kata kunci yang dibutuhkan.
Anda dapat berfikir untuk memahami mengapa
Anda bisa melihat contoh penelusuran terkait pada mesin pencari google sewaktu kita mencari kata kunci yang dibutuhkan.
Anda dapat berfikir untuk memahami mengapa
Menambahkan Trafik Widget Alexa Ke blog
Untuk mengetahui Statistik website atau blog tentu diperlukan Perusahaan web yang mampu menganalisis trafik data pengunjung dan menentukan peringkat sebuah blog. Perusahaan web yang saya maksud adalah www.Alexa.com mempunyai widget yang menampilkan statistik trafik peringkat blog(Rank) dan jumlah link yang menuju ke blog anda ( Links in ).
Untuk mempermudah anda melihat kinerja blog anda tanpa
Untuk mempermudah anda melihat kinerja blog anda tanpa
Tutorial Blogging,
Selasa, 02 Juli 2013
Tutorial Mendaftarkan Blog Di Alexa
Definisi singkat tentang Alexa Internet adalah Perusahaan web gratis yang menganalisis situs web dan layanan lainnya di seluruh dunia, bertujuan untuk mengetahui peringkat pengunjung sebuah situs sesuai dengan target geografis yang ditentukan oleh masing-masing situs.
Selain itu Alexa juga memiliki peralatan dan metrix untuk pemilik bisnis, sistem perangkat alexa mampu melacak lebih dari 30
Selain itu Alexa juga memiliki peralatan dan metrix untuk pemilik bisnis, sistem perangkat alexa mampu melacak lebih dari 30
Tips Menulis Artikel Yang Disukai google
Setelah selesai membuat blog jika tidak di isi dengan artikel yang berkualitas dan bisa bermanfaat untuk orang banyak, tentu pengunjung akan malas membaca artikel di blog kita.
Optimasi Penulisan Artikel
Ada beberapa Tips, mungkin anda bisa mengikutinya jika anda menilai artikel ini bisa membantu.
Judul Blog Dan Artikel Relevan
Judul artikel dan konten yang baik berhubungan dengan tema blog
Optimasi Penulisan Artikel
Ada beberapa Tips, mungkin anda bisa mengikutinya jika anda menilai artikel ini bisa membantu.
Judul Blog Dan Artikel Relevan
Judul artikel dan konten yang baik berhubungan dengan tema blog
Optimasi Setelan Blog di Blogger
Tips ini mungkin akan berguna untuk anda yang baru memulai membuat blog di blogger, yang perlu diketahui adalah bagaimana melakukan optimasi yang baik pada setelan atau pengaturan blog anda.
Setelan yang saya maksud tentunya berhubungan dengan mesin pencari yang akan menelusuri semua halaman blog baik Onpage maupun Offpage.
Agar setelan pada blog anda lebih optimal, mungkin tips di bawah ini
Setelan yang saya maksud tentunya berhubungan dengan mesin pencari yang akan menelusuri semua halaman blog baik Onpage maupun Offpage.
Agar setelan pada blog anda lebih optimal, mungkin tips di bawah ini
Cara Daftarkan Blog Ke ODP Dmoz.org
Mendaftarkan blog dan diterima di Open Direktori Project ( ODP ) dmoz.org tentu menjadi keinginan setiap blogger, namun direktori yang satu ini sangat berhati-hati melakukan proses peninjauan sebuah blog untuk dimasukan ke daftar direktori mereka, karena blog yang diterima di sana harus memenuhi persyaratan dan layanan sesuai dengan kebijakan yang ditetapkan.
Saya menulis artikel ini ingin
Saya menulis artikel ini ingin
Tutorial Submit Blog Ke Direktori Yahoo
Menyerahkan atau mengirimkan situs blog anda ke Yahoo Directory adalah usaha yang bagus untuk meningkatkan trafik pengunjung dan hasil penelusuran di mesin pencari.
Mungkin yang diketahui oleh sebagian blogger bahwa Direktori Yahoo hanya menyediakan layanan berbayar untuk pengiriman situs, tapi ternyata tidak demikian, direktori Yahoo juga memberikan layanan gratis untuk mengirimkan blog anda.
Mungkin yang diketahui oleh sebagian blogger bahwa Direktori Yahoo hanya menyediakan layanan berbayar untuk pengiriman situs, tapi ternyata tidak demikian, direktori Yahoo juga memberikan layanan gratis untuk mengirimkan blog anda.
Cara Verifikasi Blog Di Bing Webmaster
Untuk memverifikasi blog di Bing Webmaster anda harus mempunyai akun Microsoft, jika anda belum pernah mendaftar silahkan mendaftar terlebih dahulu. Tutorial ini khusus untuk pengguna Blog dengan domain Blogspot jika anda menggunakan Wordpress harap tidak mengikutinya.
Agar anda tidak kesulitan mendaftar cobalah masuk ke alamat ini https://signup.live.com/
Selanjutnya ikuti Tutorial di bawah
Agar anda tidak kesulitan mendaftar cobalah masuk ke alamat ini https://signup.live.com/
Selanjutnya ikuti Tutorial di bawah
Tutorial Cara Klaim Blog Di Technorati
Seperti yang kita ketahui Technorati adalah situs web yang sangat membantu pengguna blogger untuk menerbitkan konten yang berkualitas tinggi.
Konten berkualitas tinggi yang saya maksud adalah konten/artikel yang ditulis dan diedit sepenuhnya oleh pemilik blog. Jika anda bermaksud menambahkan blog anda ke Technorati anda perlu melakukan klaim atau memverifikasinya, ini bertujuan agar pihak
Konten berkualitas tinggi yang saya maksud adalah konten/artikel yang ditulis dan diedit sepenuhnya oleh pemilik blog. Jika anda bermaksud menambahkan blog anda ke Technorati anda perlu melakukan klaim atau memverifikasinya, ini bertujuan agar pihak
Tutorial Verifikasi Blog Ke Blogcatalog
Untuk mempermudah anda sebelumnya saya telah membuat tutorial cara submit blog anda ke blogcatalog, apabila anda ingin menambah trafik pengunjung dan meningkatkan penayangan blog anda, mungkin anda bisa membacanya.
Sebuah blog yang belum diverifikasi tentu tidak akan bekerja dengan optimal, maka ikutilah langkah-langkah berikut ini....
Masuklah ke http://www.blogcatalog.com/
Sebuah blog yang belum diverifikasi tentu tidak akan bekerja dengan optimal, maka ikutilah langkah-langkah berikut ini....
Masuklah ke http://www.blogcatalog.com/
Tutorial Menambahkan Blog ke Blogcatalog
Blogcatalog adalah Situs Web yang menyediakan layanan gratis dan berbayar untuk mempromosikan sebuah blog. Selain itu jika blog anda telah terdaftar di sana kemungkinan besar blogcatalog akan memberikan backlink ke blog anda.
Tentu ini keuntungan untuk meningkatkan trafik blog anda karena blogcatalog mempunyai peringkat ( pagerank ) tinggi di google. Namun ada beberapa langkah yang harus anda
Tentu ini keuntungan untuk meningkatkan trafik blog anda karena blogcatalog mempunyai peringkat ( pagerank ) tinggi di google. Namun ada beberapa langkah yang harus anda
Tutorial Verifikasi Blog di Yandex Webmaster
Yandex webmaster merupakan mesin pencari terbesar di rusia yang cukup berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan trafik dan pengunjung blog anda, untuk melakukan optimasi mesin pencari blog anda di yandex webmaster anda harus mendaftarkan blog dan memverfikasinya di sana.
Langkah Submit Blog ke Yandex
→ Anda harus Mendaftar di yandex webmaster
→ Menambahkan Situs blog anda.
masuk ke http://
Langkah Submit Blog ke Yandex
→ Anda harus Mendaftar di yandex webmaster
→ Menambahkan Situs blog anda.
masuk ke http://
Cara Menulis Artikel Di Blog
Postingan Panduan Menulis Artikel ini saya buat, agar anda tidak bingung untuk memulai entri baru yang akan diterbitkan. Perlu diperhatikan sebelum anda membuat artikel dan menerbitkannya sebaiknya anda optimalkan dahulu template blog anda agar lebih ramah di mata pengunjung, diantaranya mengatur judul artikel di blog, memasang meta tag judul dan deskripsi, mengubah judul widget menjadi H3,
Cara membuat Blog di blogger
Blog adalah sebuah halaman web umum yang berisi tulisan dalam bentuk posting atau artikel yang ditayangkan di halaman penelusuran mesin pencari, diakses oleh seluruh pengguna internet di dunia maya, sesuai dengan kata kunci yang diketik di mesin penelusuran baik itu google, bing, yahoo dan lainnya.
Syarat membuat blog di blogger
→ Anda harus mempunyai email aktif yaitu email gmail/google, jika
Syarat membuat blog di blogger
→ Anda harus mempunyai email aktif yaitu email gmail/google, jika
Pentingnya judul dan deskripsi blog
Begitu penting memiliki Judul dan deskripsi blog, karena merupakan unsur dasar optimasi mesin pencari sehingga setiap blog wajib memiliki Judul, deskripsi dan kata kunci yang jelas dan relevan. Tentu Semakin jelas informasi mengenai blog kita semakin cepat pula blog kita di indeks di halaman penelusuran.
Apa itu Judul ( title ) Blog
Judul menentukan nama dari suatu halaman web yang akan muncul
Apa itu Judul ( title ) Blog
Judul menentukan nama dari suatu halaman web yang akan muncul
Memasang meta tag judul dan deskripsi blog
Meta tag judul ( title ) dan dekripsi ( description ) blog harus ada karena salah satu optimasi mesin penelusuran halaman blog serta sebagai identitas sebuah blog.
Setelah membuat blog, menentukan judul dan tema blog artinya anda sudah tahu deskripsi yang sesuai di blog anda. Artikel ini saya publikasikan agar blogger pemula tidak salah paham dan terjebak dengan tutorial-tutorial yang
Setelah membuat blog, menentukan judul dan tema blog artinya anda sudah tahu deskripsi yang sesuai di blog anda. Artikel ini saya publikasikan agar blogger pemula tidak salah paham dan terjebak dengan tutorial-tutorial yang
Cara mendapatkan Penghasilan Di Blogger
Sebelumnya, Apakah anda pernah berfikir bagaimana cara menghasilkan uang dan mendapat penghasilan setiap bulan dari blogger ?, bagi anda yang sudah lama menekuni dunia blogging tentu sangat ingin memperoleh uang hasil dari kerja keras anda bertahun-tahun Membuat artikel. Membuat artikel yang berkualitas memang tidak mudah, perlu waktu yang tidak singkat untuk menarik perhatian para pengunjung
Google Adsense,
Tutorial Blogging
Senin, 01 Juli 2013
Tutorial Pendaftaran di Yandex Webmaster
Melakukan Pendaftaran di yandex webmaster adalah langkah pertama anda untuk mendaftarkan dan memverifikasi blog anda di sana. Jika anda merasa kesulitan mendapatkan akun masuk ke yandex saya akan memberikan tutorialnya.
Perhatikan Metode Berikut !
Masuk ke https://www.yandex.com/
Pada halaman pendaftaran langkah satu, lengkapilah kolom yang tersedia. ( nama depan, nama asli anda, username ).
Perhatikan Metode Berikut !
Masuk ke https://www.yandex.com/
Pada halaman pendaftaran langkah satu, lengkapilah kolom yang tersedia. ( nama depan, nama asli anda, username ).
Tips Optimasi Markup Data Struktur Blog
Markup Data terstruktur pada Blog dapat di pratinjau melalui alat uji coba yang disediakan oleh google webmaster tools rich snippets, pemilik Blog dan website harus memeriksa apakah markup data struktur telah ditampilkan dengan benar di halaman penelusuran.
Ada beberapa tutorial yang dapat anda lakukan untuk optimasi markup data terstruktur blog dengan membuat rich snippets di mesin penelusuran
Ada beberapa tutorial yang dapat anda lakukan untuk optimasi markup data terstruktur blog dengan membuat rich snippets di mesin penelusuran
Privacy Policy Blog
If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at ypradeska@gmail.com.
At http://tips-blogseo.blogspot.com/ we consider the privacy of our visitors to be extremely important. This privacy policy document describes in detail the types of personal information is collected and recorded by http://tips-blogseo.blogspot.com/
At http://tips-blogseo.blogspot.com/ we consider the privacy of our visitors to be extremely important. This privacy policy document describes in detail the types of personal information is collected and recorded by http://tips-blogseo.blogspot.com/
Uji coba data terstruktur blog anda
Alat uji coba data tersturktur yang di sediakan oleh webmaster tools rich snippets merupakan alat yang bekerja untuk menguji data kepengarangan pada halaman blog anda ( authorship web page ).
Sebuah pertanyaan, bagaimana cara mengetahui sebuah blog sudah memverifikasi kepengarangannya ?, Untuk mengetahui apakah sebuah blog sudah memverifikasi kepengarangan dan memiliki data terstruktur yang
Sebuah pertanyaan, bagaimana cara mengetahui sebuah blog sudah memverifikasi kepengarangannya ?, Untuk mengetahui apakah sebuah blog sudah memverifikasi kepengarangan dan memiliki data terstruktur yang
Cara Menambahkan Menu Horizontal di blog
Membuat Menu navigasi mendatar ( Horizontal ) di blog untuk pengguna blogger adalah salah satu optimasi blog untuk lebih ramah pengunjung ( seo friendly ) karena memiliki navigasi yang jelas.
Mengapa demikian ? karena menu blog sangat penting agar pengunjung bisa dengan mudah mencari konten/artikel yang diinginkan.
Tutorial Membuat Menu Mendatar
→ Backup template blog anda
Mengapa demikian ? karena menu blog sangat penting agar pengunjung bisa dengan mudah mencari konten/artikel yang diinginkan.
Tutorial Membuat Menu Mendatar
→ Backup template blog anda
Cara Mendaftar Akun di Google Gmail
Bagi Dunia maya Google Gmail bukan sesuatu yang asing lagi, ribuan orang telah menggunakan produk google tersebut baik untuk membuat blog, keperluan bisnis, sosial media, Dunia Pendidikan, perusahaan dan lainnya.
Untuk membuat sebuah blog di blogger kita memerlukan akun google.
Cara membuat akun google Baru
→ Masuk ke alamat https://accounts.google.com/SignUp
→ Isilah Form Informasi data
Untuk membuat sebuah blog di blogger kita memerlukan akun google.
Cara membuat akun google Baru
→ Masuk ke alamat https://accounts.google.com/SignUp
→ Isilah Form Informasi data
Postingan (Atom)