Senin, 05 Maret 2007

Survey Results

1. Dreamweaver is...
Easier than HTML 71%
Same difficulty as HTML 19%
Harder than HTML 10%

2. Have you read or edited your blogmeister from home?
Yes 69%
No 31%

3. After only four weeks with Dreamweaver I would like you to respond to the sequence of Web Design. Would you prefer...
Learning HTML first and then Dreamweaver 64%
Learning by task (i.e. learning image maps in Dreamweaver and HTML at the same time) 13%
Learn Dreamweaver first then incorporate HTML knowledge 23%

4. Are you producing your best work?
Yes 71%
No 29%

5. I am familiar with and understand Seymour High School's mission statement.
Yes 67%
No 33%

6. Does using Dreamweaver help you understand HTML language better?
Yes 53%
No 47%

7. Do you feel comfortable creating and editing a basic webpage?
Yes 94%
No 5%
Whats a webpage? 1%

8. Choose all that apply. I would like to work on the following topics:
Gaming and educational simulations 62%
Creating web 2.0 applications 29%
Video/Flash and movie making 74%
Connecting with students from other countries 42%
Improving my writing/communication skills 22%
Computer programming 34%

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