1. Many of you wrote well thought out responses that show evidence of reading and discussion. Some of you didn't. I won't be accepting sloppy work.
2. Don't sign your work as your name is already on your blog.
3. Put a line break between paragraphs.
4. When you comment be sure to leave your URL (not your email).
There are four main categories we are covering in this unit; bias, accessibility, usability, and ethics. Today we will focus on accessibility.
Read this article. Introduction to Web Accessability. We will watch this CBS News Video together in class.
Create an MS Word document.
Answer the following questions:
- List and summarize the major categories of disabilities. Find the link on the AIM site that describe each of the four disabilities.
- Go back to the article. Read it without using your mouse. How did that change the experience?
- Now turn your screen off. How would that change the experience?
- What is our obligation to serve those with disabilities?
Copy file to your blog and submit.
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