Last October, Google Analytics introduced a handful of powerful new features that enterprise-class organizations had been asking for. It was a major upgrade that made Google Analytics even more powerful while remaining easy to use and free.
However, no matter what the analytics tool, there are still bottlenecks, often at an organizational level, that can prevent a company from even getting started using any type of web analytics. Nick Mihailovski, our Google Analytics Developer Relations Manager, and Avinash Kaushik, Analytics Evangelist at Google, both expert web analytics practitioners, have worked in the trenches, consulted with and had implementation discussions with scores of companies. Each website has different requirements, and each company has a different culture.
In this 3 part series of "Data Driven Discussion" videos, Nick and Avinash spend a few minutes talking about bottlenecks to implementing analytics. This first video is specifically about the obstacles that they see enterprise-class organizations confronting on the way to creating an analytics-driven online presence.
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