Kamis, 26 Mei 2011



                   There are some negative signals sent to others in your sitting or standing gestures and position. If you want to make others feel comfortable with you avoid being habit of this position. The most common negative signal we often practice that we may not realize is cross leg position. There are many type of cross leg positions and sent signals. Don’t do this again if you want to be an open attitude person. The purpose of the cross leg position is to cover the genital area but unfortunately it means defensive attitude generally.
            First, the standard legs cross indicates nervous, reserved or defensive attitude. Let me give one exception this position may not show negative signals during a lecture in long period of time. It indicates finding a comfortable position. I suggest you should never sit in this position in an interview session.
Second, many American often use this position. It indicates argumentative or competitive attitudes. In a negotiation it will be difficult to reach an agreement if you have a partner sitting in this position. Try to pose an opinion so that he change the position, drag the conversation to the interesting signal. First you should lean forward then ask “ what is your suggestion for this matter? “ if he has changed the position you can close the negotiation in your own end.
Third, arms lock cross leg shows a stubborn and tough minded person. You need to find many tricks to break his point of view. He uses double protective signals, his hands and his cross legs. His position is very comfortable he doesn’t want any body to move his position. Take this person move to another place keep him changing in open position so you can continue a negotiation.
                        Fourth, defensive standing position sometimes makes very comfortable and relax gestures, however this gesture shows defense and unconfidence. This position is taken in group of people where you do not know them well. A person who always stands in this position could be shy, defensive, or nervous. It does not show a cold weather. Feeling cold, someone will put his palms of his hand in his armpits.
                        Fifth, the best way you attract others feel comfortable with you in a group of standing meeting is open attitude position. People will never leave you alone in a standing party if you consistently stand in open attitude position.

                        Sixth, Ankle lock gesture is also an indication of negative signal. An interviewee sometimes does not realize that he is in the sitting position. It shows that he is nervous. You may face unsuccessful situation when you are in the position while you are in an interview session. Try to change your ankles position or unlock your ankles.
                        These are examples of foot lock and cross leg lock. Whatever reason the various leg and foot lock position send negative signals. You should avoid those positions. You ‘d rather use positive and open body position is order to feel more confident and build better relationship with others.

Note: All figures in this article are taken from “Body language how to read others thought by their gestures, Alan Pease, Sheldon Press , London, 1981” this is a summary of Alan Pease interpretation in his book.



       A human being is biologically equipped with an organ in his brain whose function to acquire language. Mc. Neil and Chomsky described it as the language acquisition device ( LAD ). A new born has not talked yet. He cries to communicate. He has not understood any verbal languages yet. He learns language from his mother, father or caregivers.
       How does a baby learn a language? Do you think he learns a language by studying grammar or vocabulary? That LAD works is to acquire verbal massage sent by others. LAD receives stimulation from people who talk to a baby. It analyzes, keeps, transfers and stores the information. The supporting organs which work for LAD are eyes and ears. They are visual and listening organs.
       To listen means to receive verbal stimulation. When a mother or a caregiver talks to a baby, a baby will listen and record all the words and patterns. Firstly, the brain will distinguish between verbal sound and noisy sound. Next, it analyzes the meaning and grammar of the language then it will store all the information received.
       Visual perception plays very important roles in the language development on children. Beginning from 0-3 months old, children try to follow objects by their eyes. 3- 6 months old, they extend their sight. 6-9 months old, they recognize their family member’s face. At this stage their vision has worked perfectly. 6 months old -5 years old, they recognize names of objects. Visual and verbal stimulations work well at this stage.
       How to teach our kids to be good communicators? That’s the problem we sometime do not realize. Children copy what they see and listen. We have to act and speak right in front of them in case they will learn from others who are not appropriate for their age. We should keep them away from violence and pornography which come from our TV and electronic gadgets. We have to speak in a good grammar because a good grammar will help our kids analyze the pattern of sentence. I do not mean to teach our kids grammar but say to them in full sentences. A child will say “banana” when you often talk to him “ it’s a banana” . He acquires a format sentence you say to him but he can not use the format in a full sentence. Using full sentences will help him to study language better in school. Well, let’s try to our kids to speak in full sentence and in correct pronunciation.

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

What’s new about Analytics Intelligence?

This is part of our series of posts highlighting the new Google Analytics. The new version of Google Analytics is currently available in beta to all Analytics users. And follow Google Analytics on Twitter for the latest updates. This week we’re sharing a few new features in our Intelligence reports.

In 2009, we debuted the first iteration of our Intelligence reports. Since then, we have been enhancing these reports with more insightful information such as explanations, SMS alerts and improved alert quality.

In the past month, we have released a few enhancements to these reports. First, there is a new overview report that surface significant events for a given date range in a sortable table.

With this flexible table overview, users can perform full-text search, event sort, as well as drilling into details of each event. For example, clicking on the “Details” for row 2 above,

In this detail view, users can explore the event further, add an annotation, or drill in by clicking on Go to Report, which allows users to jump to a full report related to the dimension of interest.

Additional improvements include the ability to create and edit custom alerts without leaving the Intelligence reports:

We’ve also made significant improvements to the quality of automatic alerts by filtering similar alerts and more comprehensive measurements of importance.

As we continue to improve the Intelligence reports, we hope to surface more actionable insights to you. If you have suggestions for our effort here, we greatly appreciate your comments.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Shoes of Prey - Using Custom Reports to identify influential pages

One of the most effective ways for startups and small businesses to generate more sales on their e-commerce sites is to optimize their site for conversions. With no large marketing budgets to play with, this is one of the most cost-effective means of driving more sales.

The Shoes of Prey team, an e-commerce startup specializing in custom women’s shoes, are constantly tweaking their site in order to maximize sales. A component of their strategy is to provide visitors with useful content and to make the purchase process as straightforward as possible.

Michael Fox, co-Founder and Director of Operations, Shoes of Prey, shares with us how he uses Google Analytics custom reports to identify content that influences sales. Based on their learnings, Shoes of Prey now have a good idea of what content and messaging to utilize on their site to encourage more visitors to make a purchase. Read more on the Conversion Room Asia-Pacific blog.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Cara Mudah Menghapus Watermark.exe

WaterMark.exe ini virus atau spyware??? entahlah! tapi yang jelas sepertinya file ini sangat mengganggu kinerjanya my beloved Netbook,
Susah?? didelete susah? nginstall ulang ogah, mana ga punya DVD External, nginstall di flashdisk?? ogah nge-sett flasdisk nya.
Setelah beberapa kali ngutak-ngatik, ngubek-ngubek internet dan sesekali narik nafas panjang karena jengkel dengan watermark.exe ini akhirnya aku menemukan sebuah cara menghapus watermark.exe ini tanpa anti virus, dan ternyata sangat mudah! 

Okay langsung saja saya share pengalaman menghapus Watermark.exe ini,

1.      Buka “Task Manager” dengan cara menekan “Ctrl+Alt+Del”
2.      Pada Tab “Process” cari “svchost.exe” yang usernamenya nama komputer anda, bukan svchost LOCAL SERVICE, SYSTEM atau NOTWORK SERVICE. Kalo ga salah svchost dengan username komputer anda ada 2, lalu 22 nya di “End Process” satu per satu.
3.      Biarkan “Task Manager” terbuka (jangan di close dulu)
4.      Kemudian buka “cmd”, START-ALL PROGRAMS-ACCESSORIES-COMMAND PROMPT, atau START-RUN lalu ketik “cmd” dan tekan “enter”
5.      Semua tanda kutip tidak dipakai, Pada Command Prompt ketik: “CD..” lalu enter, ketik  lagi “CD..” lalu enter lagi hingga pada Command Prompt tinggal terlihat “C:/” saja.
6.      Kemudian ketik “cd program files/microsoft” lalu tekan enter
7.      Kemudian ketik “del WaterMark.exe /a /s” lalu tekan enter
8.      Masih di C:/Program Files/Microsoft, ketik “md watermark.exe”, lalu tekan enter.
9.      Kemudian ketik “cd watermark.exe” dan tekan enter
10.  Lalu ketik “md con\\” lalu tekan enter
11.  Restart windows
12.  Buka Registry Editor, START – RUN, lalu ketik “regedit” dan tekan enter
13.  Pada Registry editor, Cari “Userinit” di [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon], scroll bar nya di drag ke bawah… soalnya userinit nya ada di bawah.
14.  Klik 2 kali pada “Userinit” itu, lihat value Data nya “c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe, c:\program files\microsoft\WaterMark.exe” ganti dengan “c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe” atau hapus text dibelakang tulisan tersebut.
15.  Represh Registry Editor, lalu lihat pakah userinitnya berubah lagi atau tidak?
16.  Jika value data dari userinit ini tidak berubah… berarti virus WaterMark.exe sudah tidak berfungsi karena sudah diganti dengan folder watermark.exe
17.  Selamat bergembira.

Pada initinya proses diatas adalah mengganti file watermark.exe (Virus) dengan folder watermark.exe (Hanya folder biasa) yang tidak bisa di hapus, kalo gak percaya… coba aja hapus folder watermark.exe nya… pasti ada bacaan “Cannot delete Con, bla..bla..bla..”
Jika kesulitan membaca petunjuk diatas, saya sudah menyiapkannya disini untuk anda,… tinggal enter… enter dan enter. Khusus untuk point 4 sampai 10 petunjuk diatas.
Oh ya… darimana sih datangnya watermark.exe ini??? kalo pc di format dan install ulang masih ada virus ini…. coba jangan nginstal driver yang sebelumnya disimpan di hardisk, terutama driver audio, mending donlot aja di sumber yang terpercaya.

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

New Google Analytics - Overview Reports Overview

This is part of our series of posts highlighting the new Google Analytics. The new version of Google Analytics is currently available in beta to all Analytics users. And follow Google Analytics on Twitter for the latest updates.

This week we’re going a bit meta with an overview of the new Overview reports in the new Google Analytics. Overview reports were part of the old version of Analytics, of course, but we’ve made some changes to help your analysis.

Anatomy of the Overview Report
Each overview report consists of three sections. There's a timeline graph, some aggregate metrics, and a set of reports.

Whats inside of each of these sections depends on which report you’re looking at. For example, the Visitor Overview shows a graph of visits and metrics like New vs. Returning visitors, while Content Overview shows metrics like pageviews and average time on page.

The Graph
We’ve made a few changes to the graphs in the new Google Analytics, and we'll share them here. You can now make adjustments to the graphs you see in Google Analytics from the buttons on the top right of the graph:
  • Switch a graph between Line Chart and Motion Chart
  • Graph different metrics: Select from the dropdown or the scorecard
Metrics dropdown
Metrics Scorecard
  • Compare two metrics: Graph an additional metric for comparison

  • Graph By: Change graph from between Monthly, Weekly, Daily, and even Hourly for some reports

The bottom section of an overview reports lets you look through a subset of the reports available in that section. You can flip through these reports to see where you want to start your analysis. In the Traffic Sources Overview, we can start by looking at a report of Keywords.

From here we can go view the full report or look at another report, like Referral Sources:

Intelligence Overview
Google Analytics Intelligence automatically searches your website traffic to look for anomalies. When it finds something that's out of the ordinary it surfaces this as an alert. You can also setup your own alerts by defining custom alerts.

Now you can feel like the president of the principality of Analytica with your very own Intelligence Overview report.

The Intelligence Overview report shows you all of your automatic alerts (daily, weekly, and monthly) at a glance. From the Intelligence Overview, you can click on Details to see a graph of the alert and go directly into the GA report. You can also add or review an annotation right from the pop-up graph.

I hope you enjoyed this overview of Overview Reports. Please continue to send us feedback on the new Google Analytics. Stay tuned for next week’s installment in New Google Analytics series.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Issue affecting Analytics data for April resolved

Late last night we discovered an issue in Google Analytics that caused reports with data from April 2011 using custom reports, advanced segments, or secondary dimensions to return 0 visits. Our team has been hard at work since then, and have found the cause and are taking steps to resolve the issue.

We will update this post as we work to resolve this issue. As always, you can visit the Google Analytics Status Dashboard to see the current status of Google Analytics.

Update 5/18/11 1:40 PM PST
We have completed the fix for April data affected by this issue ahead of our estimate. Data for April using advanced segments, custom reports, or secondary dimensions has been restored.

Update 5/13/11 3:45 PM PST
April data affected by this issue has been restored for all days after and including April 20th.

Update 5/11/11 10:30 AM PST
We want to reiterate that no data was lost due to this issue, and we’re working hard to make the April data fully available in your Analytics reports. Our current timeline for restoring full functionality for April data is approximately 12 days, by May 23rd. We’re doing what we can to shorten this period. We’re restoring the data day by day so you will see it come in to your account over time and not all at once. Keep in mind, that you can view the affected April data through the standard reports.

Secondly, we’ve seen some comments about Fast Access mode and its relation to the issue. Fast Access mode is a change, in name only, to how we label a sampled report to help better explain why sampling happens in Google Analytics. This change was not responsible for the issue with April’s data.

We’ll continue to update this post with developments we work to completely resolve this issue.

non verbal language

    Have you ever count how long you make a conversation in a day, Three hours, two hours, or less than ten minutes?. When you meet your offices mate what do you say to them? You may greet them then make a small talk. I think it will only take a few minutes then you will get to work. A researcher, Albert Mehrabian studied that communication is sent about 7 % through verbal language (words) 38 % through voice/ intonation and other sounds and 55 % through non-verbal language. Professor Birdwhistell said that verbal language in face –face conversation is less than 35 % and over 65 % of communication is sent by non verbal language.
    Researchers believe that non verbal language can be understood by some gestures, facial expressions, and body movements. You will get the point if you talk to someone and he nods his eyes. In most culture nodding means agreement. This is one of non verbal language that most of us often use.
    Do you know that everyone has different zones when he makes a conversation? Well you can think where you are. Intimate zone ranges from 15 cm to 45 cm or 6 inches to 18 inches. It includes children with their parents and family, lovers and close friends. If you are a new person don’t try to enter this zone in case you will get negative response.
    Second, personal zone is about 46 cm to 1.22 m or 4 to 12 feet. This distance exists when you have cocktail parties, office parties, office gathering, and social gatherings. In this zone you can talk a topic which is personal but not intimate. You can ask “how do you spend Sundays? . you may talk about specific hobbies , gardening and cooking. Never ask “ Do you have a boy friend or girl friend? “ because this question is suitable in the intimate zone.
    Third, social zone is about 1.22 m to 3.6 m or 12 feet. This distance is for stranger. An electrician, a plumber or a carpenter who work in our house and we don’t know well. We always keep this distance when we talk to them.
    Fourth, Public Zone ranges from 3.6 m or over 12 feet. This zone exists when we address a large group of people. You will automatically stand in a comfortable position facing this situation.
    Two lovers sometimes press their torsos to manifest their closeness. It will happen in the intimate zone; however you should be careful when you press your body in a public area which is crowded.  Your deliberate pressure to other’s intimate zone can be a threat for instance in    crowding cinemas, elevators, trains, buses or public exhibition. There are unwritten rules you should obey. Every country has different rules in this situation. I hope this information will be useful. You can try the best distance when you make a conversation so that you and your partner will feel comfortable and you can make friendship or build better relationship.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

New Ecommerce tracking and validation in the Analytics SDK for Android

Increasingly, mobile applications allow you to purchase products and virtual goods. For that reason, it’s important to track these mobile transactions in order to understand which products perform well.

So today we’ve added Ecommerce tracking functionality to the Google Analytics SDK for Android.

Ecommerce Tracking
With Ecommerce mobile tracking, you can capture transaction and product information, send the data to Google Analytics, and then analyze which products performed best. Of course, because this is all within Google Analytics, you can also tie transaction data back to app usage behavior. For example, you can now compare the referral that generated an app download by the revenue it generated. See the Google Analytics SDK for Android developer docs to learn how to implement this feature.

Debug and Validation
In addition to Ecommerce, we’ve added new debug and dry run modes to make it easier to validate your Google Analytics implementation.

Debug Mode:


With debug mode, all data requests to Google Analytics are sent to the Android log, allowing you to validate that your app is sending data properly. You can view the Android log using the adb logcat command.

Dry Run:


The dry run mode sends all tracking data locally so that you don’t corrupt your production data.

See Us At Google IO
We’ll be demoing all this new functionality this year Google IO, so stop by the Optimizing Android Apps With Google Analytics session on May 11, 12:30PM – 01:30PM / Room 9.

Posted by Jim Cotugno, Google Analytics Tracking Team

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Measure Page Load Time with Site Speed Analytics Report

This is part of our series of posts highlighting the new Google Analytics. The new version of Google Analytics is currently available in beta to all Analytics users. And follow Google Analytics on Twitter for the latest updates. This week we’re sharing a new feature, the Site Speed report.

At Google, we are passionate about speed and making the web faster, and we are glad to see that many website owners share the same idea. A faster web is better for both users and businesses. A slow loading landing page not only impacts your conversion rate, but can also impact AdWords Landing Page Quality and ranking in Google search.

To improve the performance of your pages, you first need to measure and diagnose the speed of a page, which can be a difficult task. Furthermore, even with page speed measurements, it’s critical to look at page speed in context of other web analytics data.

Therefore, we are thrilled to announce the availability of the Site Speed report in the new Google Analytics platform. With the Site Speed report you can measure the page load time across your site.

Uses for the Site Speed Report
  • Content: Which landing pages are slowest?
  • Traffic sources: Which campaigns correspond to faster page loads overall?
  • Visitor: How does page load time vary across geographies?
  • Technology: Does your site load faster or slower for different browsers?
One effective use of the Site Speed report is to measure speed for your most critical pages. For example, you might learn that the target audience of your site is located in a geographic region that experiences slower page speed. Or, you might learn that certain pages on your site run slower in some browsers. In addition to the Site Speed report, we’ve created a custom report that you can use to help answer these questions: view the Site Speed custom report.

Setting up the Site Speed Report
By default, page speed measurement is turned off, so you’ll only see 0’s in the Site Speed report until you’ve enabled it. To start measuring site speed, you need to make a small change to your Analytics tracking code. We have detailed instructions in the Site Speed article in the Analytics Help Center. Once you’ve updated your tracking code, a small sample of pageviews will be used to calculate the page load time.

We’re excited to bring this important metric into Google Analytics as part of the new Google Analytics platform. Please continue to send us feedback on Site Speed and the rest of the new Google Analytics.

By Zhiheng Wang, Phil Mui on behalf of the Google Analytics team and the Make the Web Faster team.

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Web Analytics TV #18

Welcome to yet another amazing episode of Web Analytics TV! We had so much fun doing this one, you are going to have a blast as well.

Web Analytics TV, as you well know by now, is powered by your questions. In this episode we had questions from Australia, Brazil, India, Denmark, England, Netherlands and so many other places. Y’all rock!

Our process for this show is simple.

Step 1: You ask, or vote on, your favorite web analytics questions. Vote on next week’s questions using this Web Analytics TV Google Moderator site.

Step 2: From a secret undisclosed location at the Googleplex Avinash Kaushik & Nick Mihailovski answer them. : )

Here is the list of last weeks questions.

In this action packed episode we discuss:
  • (0:12) Best way to integrate Google Website Optimizer and Google Analytics
  • (1:21) Getting the page title next to the all navigation report
  • (2:18) Why clicks and visits might not match between AdWords and Analytics
  • (3:43) Preventing URL tracked with campaign tracking being indexed by Google
  • (5:04) Is there a downtime using ga.js (tracking code). And the benefit of async?
  • (7:04) Why you see other in the top landing pages report?
  • (9:06) Why you see self-referrals in Google Analytics
  • (10:41) Tracking banners and internal campaigns
  • (12:45) Combining the search referrers to a group of pages
  • (13:55) Tracking the number of clicks that happen between domains
  • (15:48) Is there a Pod cast on iTunes?
  • (16:20) Google Website Optimizer
  • (17:22) Differentiating between video click referrals
  • (18:16) Using matched search query term without auto-tagging

Here are the links to the topics we discuss:
As always, if you need help setting up Google Analytics or leveraging the advanced configuration options, we recommend hiring a Google Analytics Certified Partner.

If you found this post or video helpful, we'd love to hear your comments. Please share them via the comment form below.

This series would not be possible without your awesome questions. Please submit them on our public Google Moderator site, and while you are there don’t forget to vote for your favorite questions. Avinash and I will answer them in a couple of weeks with yet another entertaining video.

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

top ten questions in the job interview


            Interview will be taken in several phases. Most common phases are greeting, small talk, general questions, specific questions, and questions and answers, next step decision to be taken and finishing.
            Greeting is simple and short. An interviewer may say” Good Morning, Mr. William, How do you do, I am pleased to meet you this morning” In this situation an interviewee must show warm and professional in shaking hand and answering the greeting.  Answer the greeting with the steady tone.
            Making a small talk is one thing that is important. An interviewer may ask about the traffic. Answer positively how traffic is the street; it is not a major problem. An interviewee should show the how he can handle the problem. An interview also can give comment about the photo, or the room setting in the interviewer office” That’s nice room setting” never tell a lie about the comment. Don’t say this if the room is a mess.
            First, the interviewer will ask about general questions. The questions include personal questions. The interviewer will ask about your education, age, marital status, and hobbies. Be careful if the question is tact you should answer tactfully. For example if the interviewer ask “how do you spend your holiday with your children and your wife?” if you are single, don’t answer I am sorry , I am single, I am not married instead of saying this you can say “ It will be fun to have holiday with children and wife, I am thinking about getting married in the next few years.”  This answer shows your optimistic.
            Next, it is going to the specific questions. The interviewer will ask your experience, special skills, how you overcome situation, weakness and strength and some other questions related to the job offered. These are some questions that most interviewers ask.
  1. Do you think you have right skill in this job field? Although I have only few years experience in advertising industries I try to improve my self by reading and attending seminars about advertising. Some training in my previous company helps me to ensure my self to take a new responsibility in your company. I am keen to learn and adapt with the co-workers and work responsibilities in the new work environment.
  2. What kinds of extracurricular activities did you join in college? I was a member of the College bulletin. I obtained much knowledge experience about writing report, meeting deadline, working with various situation and people. I should make report, and take interview with some campus staffs, lecturers, and sometimes important person outside the campus when I had to write current issues. This answer shows how you got along with a lot of people. It gives positive image for the interviewer that you are not a type of paper book student. You participate actively in non academic activities even you are just an ordinary member of an organization or you are not in a leadership position.
  3. Why didn’t you join extracurricular activities in the college? To the interviewer it is a tactful question if you never joined any campus activities. How you handle this? You should answer tactfully. The principle of answering question is to turn the negative into positive and smart representation but not to told a lie because in can be fatal. This type of answer is a positive one.  I was very eager to join some college extra activities however I took a part time job in a hotel which has changing work shift in a month. I sometime should get to work at night and in the early morning. Unfortunately, I could not manage the time well so that I could not join any extra activities in college.  
  4. What you think to develop about yourself?  There are two things I want to improve, they are managerial and computer proficiency in the near future. I am going to take a course to improve those skills.
  5. What reasons should we hire you? I understand you need the best person in this position as a production manager. I will carry to this task my education background in the production management, few years experience in my previous company how my teamwork and I  should perform such effective production in minimum budget however we was able to reach maximum objective. I have constant performance of work that your company needs. I consider this is something valuable to your organization.
  6. Why do you want to work for this company? I consider that your organization is one of the best companies in this field. I have worked for your competitor for few years. I have an opportunity to evaluate your company because I actually admire this company. I just think about how I join your company and apply all my skills as worthy addition which can profit to your company. 
  7. Why do you often change job? I know I did not settle job in the first few jobs. I worked in small companies. I discovered and achieved better skills and talent each time but I did not get a perfect place to move forward. I this job market I dropped my interest to this firm which is large enough to grow
  8. How well do you manage your stress in under pressure work deadline? I try not to do all tasks on the deadline but I will organize the tasks, make priority, accomplish quickly to the prior work. The most exciting thing is when I can get the tasks done at the time required without leaving qualified standard of procedure.
  9. How do work with others? I like friendship environment in professional manner. The present of co-workers will help me to achieve the work goal better and quicker. I had very good relationship with my previous supervisor who gave me comment on my work done and sometimes I gave a new idea to the difficult problems. I build professional communication to my subordinates referring to my supervisory and managerial training I possessed. 
  10. Do you like working alone or with a team? Basically, I enjoy working with others. I need others help in many work situation but I do my best alone on special assignment which needs individual scheme and performance. The answers should emphasize that you are good in both team player or alone.

Nail the Job Interview, Caryl Rae Kranrich, Phd, Ronald L Kranrich,Phd, Impact Publication, Manassas park, Virginia.

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