Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

how to be a good neighbor


            How important is the time for our life? Most of us do not realize how we spent the time everyday. Do we spend wisely or wastefully? Some people work long hours. They forget to use their time with family, friends and neighbors. How often we get along with our neighbors is sometime an unimportant question in our mind. We sit together with our next door neighbor, talk about gardening, car and house painting. We have to aware that we need to socialize with our neighbors. We can’t ask our family who is out of town to give urgent favor. We need our neighbor to repair the plumbing leak when we find it difficult to get a plumber. Why don’t we ask our neighbors? They will be pleased to help us. They will be honored that they give benefit to others. 
            Here I would like to give some tips how we can make good and warm relationship with our neighbors. Our neighbors are the closest people who live around us.
-          Greet them everywhere we meet.
-          Don’t gossip.
-          Send them a little gift or food.
-          Ask them to do sport or jogging.
-          Help them every time they need our help.
-          Please attend their invitation.
-          Visit their house sometime not very often.
-          Don’t talk about personal it can be done if you have close relationship.
-          Talk about general topics but interesting.
-          Work together to clean up environment.
-          Keep their children on eye from any danger and threat so that they will do for our kids.
-          Give advice if they need.
-          Let’s our kids play with theirs.
-          Ask for a help ( it means a little help because it will help us keep in contact with them)
-          Avoid borrowing money if we don’t have strong trust.
-          Avoid asking to take care of our pets             while we are away. We’d better put our pets in a pet center.

            These are the tips to make good relationship with our neighbors. There are many unwritten rules to follow. The most important thing how we keep our neighbors feel comfortable with us are not to show off our achievement or possession but. Let’s share with them our true happiness. I think everyone wants to be accepted warmly by his neighbors.

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how to find true happiness

Entertainment industries grow rapidly recently. They are competing to grab their customers. Who are the customers? We are the customers. What is actually entertainment? Do we really need it? When do we need it? Entertainment is a show, performance, a play, or anything to amuse the viewers or audiences. If you like music you will be happy to listen to your favorite songs. There are many kinds of entertainment. They are music, movie, sport, drama, a play, a comedy and many others. Many companies dig a large amount of profit from those businesses.   What do entertainment industries offer to us? Their offer happiness, and enjoyment. The question is that all those kinds of enjoyments and happiness are true happiness. I don’t agree with this statement. You can’t get true happiness from entertainment industries.  All industries only give analgesic or temporary treatment. The happiness is not everlasting.
            True happiness comes up from your heart. The inner peace in your heart is the true happiness. We can ask all visitors in a night club” what do you feel? “ They may say” I am happy” “ I am very excited”. Is the statement is everlasting? You can walk after the clubbers ( I mean if you know them well) to their apartments or flats.  When they have arrived home ask “are you happy now? “They may say “ I am tired , I am going to sleep” what is your opinion? Do you think night clubs offer true happiness? You can ask few days late to the clubbers. At the time the clubbers have got broke. Can you ask” are you happy now? “ . They will get angry with your questions. Many clubbers spend much money in pubs, night clubs, karaoke, and cafes but they got nothing. Instead of finding true happiness they devastate themselves.
            There should be a balance in our life. Entertainment is not forbidden. We have to empty our mind from any outsides contentment. Music is one of outside pleasure. If you like music you can stop now from listening music. Some people are addicted to TV programs. They are news, quiz, games, sports and other shows. I think we can live without all those outside enjoyments. I can’t live without reading news paper in the morning. This statement is because someone has been addicted to news papers. We have to close and filter information which enters our mind. There is no benefit to read criminal news. What can you get from reading magazines and watching TV about celebrity gossips? You will get nothing.
            Some people run away from their problem by drinking alcohol and use drugs. This is the worst way out to get solution. No benefit we can get to do this. Those drugs and alcohol will destroy our health. We can lead a healthy life. We can go jogging everyday. We can meet a lot of people and talk to them on the way we are going jogging. We can ask “what’s your name? Where are you from? Where do you live? “ to a clerk in a mini-market while we buy some plain water. We’d better try this entertainment. We will enjoy having a new friend to have a healthy life.
            One of the ways to make us feel peace is to get out and talk to our neighbors, say hello to them, help them anything we can do. We can meet our friends, sit with them and make jokes with them. We can laugh so that we can feel relaxed. Doing sport is another way to lead a healthy life besides eating healthy food. We can cook our own dinner and invite some of our close friends. We eat with them but we should turn of our CD players, TV we just eat and talk to them. There are no cigarette and alcohol allowed in your dinner.
            What do you think of getting up early in the morning? We have to take a prayer, take a bath, drink plain water, and do exercise. We can go to office early because we get up early. We can avoid traffic jam early in the morning. After arriving in our office we give our best smile to everyone we meet. To office work we have to finish quickly and carefully. We are not allowed to put off today’s task till tomorrow. When the office time is up we get home, and find a different way home. We will enjoy the trip. We can see new view. While we are walking home, we can buy some favorite food, bring it at home, share with our roommates or give it to our wife or kids. They will feel happy with this food. In the evening we should get to bed early and turn off our TV. You will find peace and have a healthy life.

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Senin, 18 Juli 2011

preparing for success IELTS test

            Learning a foreign language needs discipline. You won’t achieve high score for your English test such as IELTS, TOEFL, TOIEC or other tests if you don’t make study habits. What you should do to improve your test score. Here I am going to talk a little about IELTS. Here are the tips;
-          Study regularly. Never miss a day without studying.
-          Use the time efficiently and don’t waste your time chatting on your FB or twitter. Tell yourself I am going to study IELTS.
-          Practice your writing skill , make a passage everyday about different topic that is interesting. It will help your competence in writing skill improve.
-          Speak or make conversation in English call your friend and speak with them in English or you can use internet connection to chat with native speakers. There are many sites that give you opportunity to practice your speaking skill freely. 
-          Build your positive attitude. You are going to be successful in IELTS test. Many people have done it why don’t you do it?
            If you don’t have more resources to study IELTS why don’t you start to get it here now? Make a list this material in your listing e-book. Don’t wait too long! Just get it now
Just see now here.

english idiom phrases-tell-say

1.     She likes telling a lie instead of telling the truth.
2.     I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you.
                ( can’t express) tidak bisa mengungkapkan
3.     You can’t tell a lie. Your eyes tell your own tale.
                                                   ( explain themselves)
4.     The artist makes a most telling use of color.
                                         ( effective)
5.     There are many students in the classroom all told.
                                                                    ( counting everyone)
6. What I say is about my experience.
7.     How much is the car? I shall say $500 for an old car.
8.     I had no say in the problem.
             ( no opinion)
9.     He goes without saying anything.
                  ( he doesn’t tell)                                                      
10.      What do you say to a drink?
                         ( come and have a drink)

idiom in english language-go

1.     My brother went in for taxation
                       (Made a study) mempelajari                
2.     Years went by.
               (Passed by) berlalu
3.     The bus has just gone.
                  (Has just leave) berangkat
4.     I shall go by what my father said to me.
               ( follow) mengikuti
5.     Bob goes to sleep.
            (Get to) tidur
6.     The riot has gone bad.
                  (becomes bad) menjadi buruk
7.     They didn’t the old cars expensively. it went for $200
                                                                 (Was sold)
8.     All the effort has gone for nothing.
                         ( without result) tanpa hasil
9.     I went for the thief with a stone last night.
       ( attacked) menyerang
10.      The show went on although it rain hard last night.
                    (continued) berlanjut
11.      Her examination scores went off after she had got severe sick.
                                         ( got worse) menurun
12.      You should go over the lesson.
                        ( repeat) mengulang
13. The fire has gone out after some fireman fight for few hours.
                  ( has turned off) padam
14.The T-shirt doesn’t go with your jeans.
                       ( doesn’t match) tidak cocok           
1.     The old man has gone.
                         ( has died)

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1.     I have done with this therapy. I am getting better.
       ( no longer need it) tidak perlu lagi
2.     Take the medicine! It won’t do you any harm.
                                                (threaten) membahayakan
3.     The beef is underdone but I prefer well done.
                       (Not cooked well)    (well cooked)
                        Setengah matang     matang
4.     I have nothing to do with this job.
               (Doesn’t concern) tidak ada yang dikerjakan
5.     Let’s be up and doing!
6.     When do you make it?
                          (Say it) mengatakanya
7.     I can’t make out what you mean.
                ( understand) mengerti
8.     The shoes are home-made.
                          (manufactured at home) hasil industri rumahan
9.     Make sure you come!
     (Confirm) memastikan
10.      The program is excellent. Have you made it up by yourself?
11.      The girl has too much make-up on her face.
                                      ( polish) make up
12.      Jack has become a self made-man.
                                ( become successful by his own effort;no formal
                                   education) sukses karena usaha sendiri: tanpa
                                   pendidikan formal
13.      Jane works as a tailor to make a living.
                                          ( earn money) memperoleh penghasilan
14.      Sam is going to make a good salesman because he likes meeting and                                 (become ) menjadi
     enjoys talking with a lot of people.

english idiom and meaning-come

English idiom-come

1.     The design of the jacket comes in our country
                                          (trend) menjadi tren
2.     I came across my old friend yesterday.
       (meet accidentally) bertemu tidak sengaja
3.     Jenny has come down in her family.
               (become less important) menjadi tidak penting
4.     We expect to achieve the best team but we didn’t come off.
                                                                                ( happen) terjadi
5.     Your voice us coming on very well.
                          Progressing ( berubah)
6.     When does the magazine come out? It comes out on Sundays.
                                           ( published) terbit
7.     That is an antique car. How did you come by it?
                                                           ( obtain) mendapatkan
8.     Jack saw a woman in trouble. He came forward to help.
                                                       Did action ( mengambil tindakan)
9.     Come on boys! Do the best!
     Imperative meaning to get attention! ( memerintah/ mengajak)
10.      The blow knocked the boxer unconscious. It took few minutes for him to come round.
        (Conscious ) sadar

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

mengembangkan minat baca anak sejak usia dini


Apabila kita ingin mengajari anak membaca kita harus berpegang pada sebuah argumentasi yang dikemukakan oleh Space and Space(1967) Burkin ( 1970) Adelman ( 1970) dan Gates dan Bond ( 1974,169) mereka berpendapat bahwa semua anak yang berusia semuda-mudanya dapat diajari membaca asal memenuhi syarat. Yaitu anak mempunyai minat, dapat menyebutkan bunyi huruf, dapat mengingat kata, memiliki perkembangan bahasa lisan yang memadai.
Steinberg( 1982) meneliti dan berhasil mengakari anak usia 1-4 tahun membaca. Lima prinsip mengajari anak membaca usia dini menurut Steinberg sebagai berikut;
1. Materi bacaan adalah kata-kata , frasa dan kalimat bermakna yang disesuaikan dengan pengalaman anak.
2. Menekankan pada kemampuan bahasa lisan.
3. Mengajar membaca bukan mengajar kaidah bahasa atau tata bahasa.
4. Mengajar membaca berbeda dengan mengajar menulis.
5. Pengajan harus membuat anak senang.
Usaha apa yang bisa dilakukan orang tua untuk mengembangkan minat baca anak? Ada banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan diantaranya orang tua memberi contoh bahwa mereka suka membaca. Anak akan ingin tahu apabila seorang ayah sefang membaca koran atau majalah. Si anak akan merebut dari tangan ayahnya. Ini adalah tanda anak tertarik pada kegiatan yang dilakukan sang ayah. Apa sih isi dari koran atau nmajalah itu. Oleh karena itu sediakan buku-buku yang menarik dirumah agar anak terbiasa dengan buku. Usahakan ciptakan suasana membaca seperti bermain” misalnyadengan mengatakan” ayo nak kita bermain, di sini yang banyak bukunyam nanti sambil belajar membaca”. Atau dengan bahasa yang lebih menarik lainya. Buat image bahwa membaca adalah bermain. Lakukan kegiatan ini sesering mungkin. Campurlah buku –buku yang menarik dengan mainan si anak sehingga pikiran anak akan mengatakan buku juga mainan ya. Jika sudah demikian pola pikir anak ketika menginjak usia sekolah tinggal menjaga kebiasaan membaca anak yang sudah diperoleh sejak dini. Orang tua hanya sebagai controller saja.
Pasanglah gambar-gambar yang menarik di tembok. Ketika sedang bermain sesekali ajari dia kata atau tulisan yang ada di gambar itu. Jangan sengaja katakana ayo baca nak. Tapi tanyalah “ lihat nak itu gambar apa? Itu pisang.” Kemudian kita katakana huruf dari gambar itu” p-i ;pi s-a-n-g;sang” jika anak sudah bisa menirukan ulangi lagi di kesempatan yang lain ketika anak berdiri atau duduk di dekat gambar tersebut. Cukup satu kata jika anak sudah bisa ganti dengan benda yang lain dan seterusnya. Dan ingat jangan terpatok dengan waktu misalnya kalau membaca harus pagi hari. Kapanpun ada kesempatan lakukan itu dan jangan terlalu membebankan juga sehingga anak hilang selera belajarnya. Kita bisa menilai mood anak untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Berikan pujian jika sianak benar menirukan. Hal ini akan menguatkan kepercayaan diri anak bahwa dia mampu membaca sehingga anak akan lebih semangat. Ajak anak ke toko buku. Belikan buku yang menarik hatinya.
Sebagai kesimpulan orang tua harus memberikan contoh bahwa membaca adalah sebuah kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan menarik sehingga anak akan mengikuti apa yang dilakukan orang tuanya.


earn cash from linkfromblog.com

earn cash from Linkfromblog.com

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          Writing review is a new job for someone who is not familiar with this money making methode from internet. There are many sites that offer the program. There are thousand writers who have taken profit as well. buyblogerreviews.com is one of the most popular sites.
          Here I’d like to introduce a new site. Linkfromblog.com has the same feature as buyblogereview. It helps advertisers and publishers meet their content. It is a mutual cooperation. Linkfromblog. Becomes the bridge to unite both parties advertisers and publishers to rocket their revenue.
          How linkfromblog works in your blog? First, you sign up and complete all the blank form next add you blog, write a review about linkfromblog and paste the code in the activation page on your posting, then your blog has been activated finally start to get a writing review job.                 
            Yeah , it is easy to apply for linkfromblog but you have to bid for the advertisers. You have to do many bids so you can get a job. I think it is not easy to get a job from advertisers if you have Zero PR blogs.
            The pay out is $50. Zero PR blog will value about $ 3 to 6 to bid. In fact, you will find difficult to get a job. You can calculate how many bids you should do to reach $50. Whereas you have to offer 10 or 20 bids, the advertisers will probably not approve your bids. You have to do hundreds clicks to bid. I think it is not fun. I want to be a writer, I am not going to be a clicker. That is too bad.    
            Making money from linkfromblog is far for me. I think if you have blog with PR Zero you’d better hunt as many as links so your blog page rank will increase. Now , I am focusing on writing and search for links. Let’s forget about making money if you have page rank zero. Making money is true from writing review but you need to work hard to get your blog ranked high.
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