Senin, 18 Juli 2011

preparing for success IELTS test

            Learning a foreign language needs discipline. You won’t achieve high score for your English test such as IELTS, TOEFL, TOIEC or other tests if you don’t make study habits. What you should do to improve your test score. Here I am going to talk a little about IELTS. Here are the tips;
-          Study regularly. Never miss a day without studying.
-          Use the time efficiently and don’t waste your time chatting on your FB or twitter. Tell yourself I am going to study IELTS.
-          Practice your writing skill , make a passage everyday about different topic that is interesting. It will help your competence in writing skill improve.
-          Speak or make conversation in English call your friend and speak with them in English or you can use internet connection to chat with native speakers. There are many sites that give you opportunity to practice your speaking skill freely. 
-          Build your positive attitude. You are going to be successful in IELTS test. Many people have done it why don’t you do it?
            If you don’t have more resources to study IELTS why don’t you start to get it here now? Make a list this material in your listing e-book. Don’t wait too long! Just get it now
Just see now here.

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