Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Web Design: Introductory Quiz

Today's quiz #1 is a letter.

In this letter you must:

1. Include links and examples where necessary.
2. Provide evidence.
3. Be persuasive, yet friendly and helpful.
4. Your letter should be between 100-150 words.

Please evaluate the design bias, usability, and accessibility of the Seymour High School website. This letter should show evidence that you paid attention for the past few lessons.

You might want to look at some examples of other schools:

  1. Science Leadership Academy
  2. Naugatuck High School
  3. Lewis Elementary
Compare and contrast the sites.  Why do you go to a school website?  Who is the audience (teachers, parents, students, community, etc...).  Can you find what you are looking for?

Start your letter with "Dear Mrs. Goodrich".  

Save to your W Drive Web folder (on blog if blogs work..).  Print out for teacher.

Quiz #2 is HTML

The quiz for web 1 will be due by the end of the period on Monday. Some of you will finish early, some of you will have to work fast...

You will create a one page website about your current class schedule. This website should include:
  • A title in the header code.
  • A clear heading on the page.
  • A list of classes.
  • A brief paragraph describing yourself (junior at Seymour High School, etc...)
  • Background color other than white.  Keep the color light (no bright red, black, etc...if you disagree go back and look at the bad websites)
If you do the above correctly the maximum you can score is 3/4.  You must do at least one of the extras to be able to score 4/4.

1. Can you include an image that you created?  Remember that the image must be in the same folder as the webpage.
2. Can you place the schedule in a table?

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