Launching a new product or service is introducing product service features to the mass. You need to know how to choose the best advertising sites to promote new product so that your campaign will be successful. Building good image to your potential customers will need effort and cost. You can manage your expense effectively if you can choose right advertising companies to boost your site popularity to the viewers. Plenty of advertising sites you can try. You can match the product with your targeted customers. Promoting product online is different from offline campaign. However, the principle of promotion is the same. That is your potential customer obtain good image of your brand. As online marketers, you must know the principle how to choose the best advertising sites to promote your product. These are some principles to promote product online.
First, you must recognize your product features. If your site is a mass product, you can use some advertising sites that can deliver it in front of massive viewers without knowing the customer orientation. Here are the lists that you can use to promote and bring your sites massively. is a good advertising site. It brings your site in front of viewers massively. It is a kind of pop-up advertising system that spreads the ad when you open one of the publishers’ networks. Many publishers become network. You just need $5 to 1000 is cheap cost. The views are all over the world. You do need to specify your potential customers. is similar to it is a kind of pop-up advertising system. It has many publisher partners. You have to set your landing page that has the most eye-catching look. The pop-up is only 5 to 10 second. If the viewers do not get interested in your site thy will close your site soon. is a banner impression type of ads. You can promote with this method. Your banner will appear in front of the viewers via the publishers. You must create as good as banner you can. Your banner impression attracts your potential customer to click it. You do not need to specify the keyword because does not detail the keyword search to accept the publisher partners.
You can also use PTC or paid to click sites. It costs cheaply sometimes. Each ptc site has different charge of advertising. You will receive human viewers. Once the viewers think that your site is an interesting site to join they will sign up and become the member of your site. You must give easy sitemap so that your customers will easily find sign up page when they are interested in your product.
Second, you can use specific keywords to promote your site. This principle will spot your customer as specified in the keyword search. This type of advertising is costly because you have to bid your keyword. You should compete the bid with your competitors. One who places the highest bid the ad will appear on the top page of search engine. Some people who don’t know the trick and strategy to advertise will end in failure. They will lose much money. This type of advertising is very powerful in fact. Some sites serve this type of campaign. They are ppc( pay per click) advertising sites.
Promotion strategy using ppc search engine services is very effective. Your landing page will always on top of the first page. Choosing the right keyword is very important to boost your traffic. You can use google keyword search external tool to find the right keyword phrase. You can estimate how your site struggle with your competitors. You can also target your geo location where you want to advertise. The most popular ppc search engine is adword.
Another choice is ppc ad display or general ppc. The most popular is google adsense. Some other sites are great too. They are chitika, clicksor and many others. You still optimize your keyword phrase to promote via this model. Your ad will appear on publisher sites that have similar keyword with your ads. You can use banner display or text ads. It is not cheap sometimes but it is effective. You must set the most interesting ads display to attract costumer to click.
Using adbrite is also contextual to your keyword search. The method of the advertising is to place banner on a site that has high page rank and high traffic. Your ad will be seen thousand times everyday. The visitors will click and redirect to your site. This is very simple but you still need to equalize your product with the site you are going to place your ads. Your ads will not be effective when your product is about health, whereas the site you are going to promote is about internet marketing. You should place your ads at similar sites.
Paid review is another option. You can sign up at a paid review site as the advertiser. You can browse sites you want to have your site reviewed. You will get link with anchor text of your keyword phrase. This link will make your site rank better in the search engine. and are great sites. They have many publisher partners. You can bid a price to the bloggers who become publisher partners at a paid review site. When the blogger agree he/she will write a review about your site and your product with anchor text linking to the posting. This method can double benefit from your site. You will get a link from a high page rank blog plus anchor text as you want and your product are reviewed by professional blogger. Your link will not be removed by the blogger forever because once the blogger remove the link he/she has violated the term and condition of a paid review site partner he/ she has joined. You must choose a blog or publisher that is similar to your site so that your link will look better in the search engines.
How to choose the best advertising sites is simple. You just manage and calculate your budget. You can count to allocate all those types of advertising. You can estimate your earning once your sites has abundance of traffic. Your advertising cost is nothing when you compare with the revenue you will get. Your massive visitors can be expected when you can choose the best advertising sites effectively and appropriately.
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