Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Business Computer Applications


Things to do:

1. You need to be sure you returned your Internet Use form (I imagine you have).  I can't do anything without that.
2. Fill out this Info Sheet.
3. Please solve a Google A Day.  The site times you.  So move fast.  We will be learning how to search effectively throughout the year. 
4. Introduce yourself to the people around you.

5. Write yourself an email that will be delivered on January 1, 2013.  Use Futureme.org.  Keep the post private.  Write yourself and completing the following questions "By January I hope to have learned..." "I think the most important aspect of communication is...."

6. Swearing is bad.  Please don't do it.

7. Read the class syllabus.

8. Create a dropbox account.  Take the Dropbox tour on the site.

9. Create an Evernote account.  Watch some videos about Evernote.
8. Establish a Google account.  Many of you already have one.
    • Open Google Drive
    • Create a Shared Folder
    • Title it "first name-last name BusCompApps".  This is one way I will collect your work.
    • Share folder with teacher
        • my email brandtwschneider@gmail.com 
9.  Create a note in Evernote called "passwords".  Put your accounts, usernames, passwords in it.

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