Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Cheat PBI + Bonus DLL [01-09-2012]WH, Chams, No Fog, Auto GM, QQ, Holvest, Damage 30%, HP120


Warnning !!!
- Open injector /click injector in just folder RaR
- Give us information : Error injector with cemment in this blog me

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

How One Online Food Retailer Increased E-commerce Sales By 70% In Key Regions

LaTienda is an award-winning, family-owned business supporting artisanal firms in Spain. The firm works with small family-run businesses, many of which are dedicated to centuries-old food-making traditions. 

With warehouses in Williamsburg, Virginia and Alicante, Spain, the company ships hundreds of thousands of orders throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

LaTienda’s brand equity is built on its fundamental commitment to the customer experience. They guarantee a positive experience for its customers – quality products delivered in excellent condition, or they will replace or refund the purchase. 

Overall, they had been seeing great success with their online orders, though they wanted to continue looking for opportunities to grow sales. To assist with this, they worked with WebStrategies, located nearby in Virginia. 

They knew that a key product category in particular required more expensive shipping methods if it was too far from LaTienda’s Virginia warehouse. Their challenge was to understand the impact on sales of varying shipping rates for this subset of products. 
LaTienda grouped visitors into two regions: Region A visitors were close enough to the warehouse to always get reasonable shipping costs. Region B visitors were everywhere else, and had to use a more expensive shipping method for the key product category.
WebStrategies wanted to measure the impact on sales whenever one of the key products was placed in the cart. To measure this, they installed Event Tracking to the “Add To Cart” buttons on every product page. 
They then used Advanced Segments Custom Reports to separate visitors in Region A from Region B, and drilled down to view performance by product category. Sure enough, visitors from Region B were found to be 48% less likely to purchase if they placed an item from the key product category in their cart, which raised total shipping costs. 
To combat this effect, LaTienda.com implemented a less expensive, flat rate shipping model in region B and monitored sales. After the test, the rate at which Region B visitors completed the shopping cart were found to have increased by nearly 70%.
Just to be sure, they checked to see if there was a similar increase in conversion rate for Region A visitors, and found that it did not fluctuate more than 3.4% over the same time period. The analysis confirmed that product shipping rates greatly impacted shopping cart behavior, and used data to measure the results of a key business decision. 
Check out the full case study as a PDF download, and see additional success stories in our analytics case studies and success stories section.

Posted by the Google Analytics Team

Business Computer Applications


Things to do:

1. You need to be sure you returned your Internet Use form (I imagine you have).  I can't do anything without that.
2. Fill out this Info Sheet.
3. Please solve a Google A Day.  The site times you.  So move fast.  We will be learning how to search effectively throughout the year. 
4. Introduce yourself to the people around you.

5. Write yourself an email that will be delivered on January 1, 2013.  Use Futureme.org.  Keep the post private.  Write yourself and completing the following questions "By January I hope to have learned..." "I think the most important aspect of communication is...."

6. Swearing is bad.  Please don't do it.

7. Read the class syllabus.

8. Create a dropbox account.  Take the Dropbox tour on the site.

9. Create an Evernote account.  Watch some videos about Evernote.
8. Establish a Google account.  Many of you already have one.
    • Open Google Drive
    • Create a Shared Folder
    • Title it "first name-last name BusCompApps".  This is one way I will collect your work.
    • Share folder with teacher
        • my email brandtwschneider@gmail.com 
9.  Create a note in Evernote called "passwords".  Put your accounts, usernames, passwords in it.

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Multi-Channel Funnels: Webinar, Checklist, Tips & Tricks

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Get To Your Data Faster: Announcing Shortcuts In Google Analytics

We’re pleased to announce the addition of Shortcuts to Google Analytics. Shortcuts help you get to the exact view you want of your data in GA in record time. Rather than having to go through the "find report, add segment, change, sort" process daily, with Shortcuts you can do it once, save it, and come back to it in a single click.

How to create a Shortcut

Creating Shortcuts is simple. When viewing a standard or custom report in Google Analytics, click on the “Shortcut” button found on the report’s Utility Bar:

Then, give your new Shortcut a name:

Once named, you'll be taken straight to your report in the new "Shortcuts" section in the "Home" tab. Your report configuration has been stored, and your report shows up on the left side of the screen.

The following information is saved as part of a Shortcut:
  • Standard or custom report for context
  • Currently viewed tab on the report
  • Sort order
  • Advanced segments
  • Graphed metric
Notably not saved is the date range and sample size. This is because they are very dependent on the data you are looking at.

Using Shortcuts

In the "Home" tab in Google Analytics, there is a new section called "Shortcuts". Here, you can find all of the shortcuts you’ve created, and navigate to each one. Clicking a Shortcut will "reset" the segments that are applied - so you know you'll always see the same customization every time you use a Shortcut.

If you make any changes while viewing a Shortcut and you want to have those changes persist for the next time you view the Shortcut, just click on “Save” from the report’s Utility Bar:

Managing Shortcuts

You can easily manage your Shortcuts from the Overview page, found under the Shortcuts navigation on the “Home” tab. From this page, you can also delete any of your created Shortcuts:

What else should you know?

  • Shortcuts can be emailed and exported like any other standard report.
    • Deleting a Shortcut will remove that report from any scheduled emails, as with deleting a custom report.
  • Shortcuts apply at the profile level, like the rest of reports in Google Analytics.
This is a continued step in making your experience with Google Analytics as efficient as possible. We hope you find Shortcuts a useful feature.  

Posted by Andrew Seguin, Google Analytics Team

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Combining a User Problem with a Desire to Learn: the Story of Quicklytics

This article is part of our Developer Spotlight Series that promotes new tools and applications built using the Google Analytics Developer platform. To see other tools, check out our App Gallery. Interested in having us showcase your story? Let us know what you’re working on!

Eduardo Scoz is a software architect and self-proclaimed, “analytics addict.” In early 2010, he grew frustrated with his daily routine of checking in on his web analytics from several sites and personal blogs. Very quickly he found himself spending an overwhelming amount of time monitoring his key metrics from across his own content kingdom: he yearned for a way to keep an eye on his KPI’s without having it feel like a full-time job.

Eduardo was determined to find an iPhone application that gave him a high-level view of all of his sites in way that was easy to digest. After a few days of searching he realized that the only way for him to get exactly what he wanted was to build it himself. He had never built an iPhone application but his “learn by doing” mentality prevailed: after a few weeks of prototyping, he had come up with something he was proud of. He showed it to a few friends and gauging their reaction, he realized he might be onto something. He incorporated their feedback, finished building it out and decided to release it publicly. In February 2010, Quicklytics was born.

Quicklytics allows users to rapidly check the status of multiple websites in a matter of seconds and visually understand how their site is performing for both current and historical timeframes. It has full support for both iPhone and iPad as well as custom filtering that allows for quick deep dives into areas of interest. While its primary views focus on top-level metrics, Quicklytics also provides detailed reports with most of the data also available through Google Analytics.

“All apps were about either showing as much data as possible, or focusing on less-useful stuff, like browsers and screen sizes, which are only really necessary when you’re doing deep analysis, not when ‘checking the weather’,” says Eduardo.

As soon as Quicklytics hit the App Store, it spread like wildfire. In the 2 ½ years since it was released, Quicklytics has received over 40,000 downloads - most of which were paid. This has translated into a significant source of side revenue for Eduardo’s business that has allowed him to continue building new features for Quicklytics while looking for new projects to learn from.  Now, Eduardo finds great joy in using Quicklytics to measure the mobile app analytics on - you guessed it - Quicklytics.

Quicklytics leverages the Analytics Core Reporting APIs Objective-C library and OAuth 2.0 for user authentication. Although this was Eduardo’s first experience with the Analytics APIs and Objective-C, he was able to take full advantage of the Developer Forums for support: “In the few cases I found issues with the tool, Google developers were actually very helpful and fixed some issues from their side. It was a great experience.”

Armed with a clear user problem and a willingness to learn, Eduardo was able to turn one of his biggest pain points into a viable side business and a solution that is enjoyed by many. According to Eduardo, “It’s great to know that a lot of people find it as useful as I do.”

To learn more about Quicklytics, check out his App Store listing.

Posted by John Milinovich, Google Analytics API team

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Automate Google Analytics Reporting using Google Apps Script

Many people have been asking for a simple way to put Google Analytics data into a Google Spreadsheet. Once the data is inside a Google Spreadsheet, users can easily manipulate Google Analytics data, create new visualizations, and build internal dashboards.

So today we released a new integration that dramatically reduces the work required to put Google Analytics data into any Apps Script supported product, such as Google Docs, Sites, or Spreadsheets.

Here’s an example of Google Analytics data accessed through Apps Script and displayed in a Google Spreadsheet.

Custom API Dashboards - No Code Required

We know that a popular use case of this integration will be to create dashboards that automatically update. To make this easy to do, we’ve added a script to the Spreadsheets script gallery that handles all this work - no code required. The script is called Google Analytics Report Automation (Magic).

This script is a great template for starting your own project, and we’ve had many internal Google teams save hours of time using this tool. Here’s a video demoing how to build a dashboard using this script:

You can find this script by opening or creating a Google Spreadsheet, clicking Tools -> Script Gallery and searching for “analytics magic”.

Writing Your Own Script

Of course many developers will want to write their own code. With the new Analytics – Apps Script integration, you can request the total visitors, visits, and pageviews over time and put this data into a spreadsheet with just the following code:
// Get Data.
var results = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(
{‘dimensions’: ‘ga:date’});

// Output to spreadsheet.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().insertSheet();
sheet.getRange(2, 1, results.getRows().length, headerNames.length)

// Make Sandwich.
To get started now, read our Automated Access to Google Analytics Data in Google Spreadsheets tutorial. Also check out the Google Analytics Apps Script reference docs.

Solving Business Problems

Are you ready to start building solutions using Google Analytics and Google Apps Script?

We’d love to hear new ways you use this integration to help manipulate, visualize and present data to solve business problems. To encourage you to try out this integration, we are giving out Google Analytics developer t-shirts to the first 15 developers to build a solution using both APIs.

To be eligible, you must publish your solution to either the Chrome Web Store or the Spreadsheets Script Gallery and include a description of a business problem the script solves. We’ll then collect these scripts and highlight the solutions in an upcoming blog post. After you publish your script, fill out this form to share what you’ve built.

We’re looking forward to seeing what you can do with this integration.
Posted by Nick Mihailovski   profile

Nick is a Senior Developer Programs Engineer working on the Google Analytics API. In his spare time he likes to travel around the world.

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Don't Miss What's New In Analytics Each Month: Opt-In For The Product Update

Google Analytics is constantly being updated to provide you with powerful analytical tools and the best user experience possible. As a marketer or analyst, keeping up with these regular changes, updates, and tools will help you be more effective. You may already refer to our blog, Google+, and Twitter feed to stay up to date. Do you also know about our monthly product update email that compiles the Analytics highlights for the month?

Opt in to this email and learn each month about:
 - New features available in Google Analytics
 - Insights on how to use these latest tools
 - Case studies & educational content
 - Links to how to videos & webinars 

… all delivered right to your inbox so you can stay in the know.

How do you make sure you’re opted in? 
It’s easy, if you’re already logged in to Analytics use this link to be taken to the settings page in your account. Or follow these steps:

Step 1. Log in to your Google Analytics account.

Step 2. Click the “Settings” button in the top right corner of your screen.

Step 3. Under ‘Google Analytics Email Communications’ heading, be sure that the ‘Feature Announcements’ checkbox is selected.

Step 4. Hit the “Save User Settings” button at the bottom on the page.

We encourage you to opt-in if you haven’t, and if you are opted in and have ideas on how we can improve our monthly updates, please let us know by adding comments to this post.

Posted by Ian Myszenski, Google Analytics team

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012


“Talk about daylight robbery and livestock transporters top the list,” John Dube a communal farmer from Gwanda alleged. He went on to narrate a very painful story about how a drunken driver caused extensive bruising to his animals that led to two of them being condemned. “Masuku, the owner of the vehicle did not have any insurance or the money to pay the damage.”
Indeed, most farmers carry livestock in various forms of transport, ranging from pick-up trucks to sedans drawing trailers. In most cases the animal is mercilessly gagged with rope or wire to prevent it from bolting out of the truck. Interestingly, you see these trucks zooming across the city centre, completely oblivious of the danger to people and other vehicles.
The rope or wire and the sudden braking and take-offs certainly causes extensive bruising that leads to carcass condemnations. In most instances the farmer has no recourse because the transporter is not insured to ferry animals.
Bruises are trimmed off by Meat Inspectors. The trimming lowers the weight of the carcass and also lowers the final grade. Butcheries mourn over the frequency of maimed carcasses that cannot produce desired primal cuts. Bruised carcasses seriously lower the value of the carcass.
There are rules to be followed when transporting livestock. Over-loading or under-loading cattle lead to serious bruising. Mixing huge and little animals may lead to trampling and suffocation of the smaller ones. It is therefore important to engage an experienced or well trained transporter or else you watch all the profits being trimmed off by the Meat Inspector’s knife.
Bruising impacts negatively to the total beef available for consumption to the nation. Imagine how much of it is thrown away to the dogs as pet food. Unfortunately farmers do not benefit from pet food, skins, meat and bone meal and tallow that emanates from condemned carcasses.
Farmers’ representatives complained bitterly to abattoir representatives at a Matabeleland Agricultural Business Chamber (MABC) meeting, held at the CSC Bulawayo branch recently, about what they perceive to be greed by abattoirs in so far as trimmings and condemnations are concerned.
Eventually, both parties agreed to set up a think-tank to look at the possible ways of reviving the condemnation fund that would give the farmer some form of recourse in the event that his animals are condemned. Farmers would be warned against the use of uninsured vehicles and such vehicles may not be permitted to enter abattoir premises in the near future.
While on the subject of transport it is important to look at the vehicles that are used to carry carcasses and offal from abattoirs to butcheries. One wonders why carcasses are inspected in the first place because meat transporters carry meat on the same trucks used to carry livestock. Meat is put right on top of the cow dung. In some instances meat is carried in the boot of little sedans with the other half of the quarter protruding out.
One wonders what Environmental practitioners are doing to save us from being a sick nation. There are obviously some laws that forbid all this nonsense but some people have chosen to ignore them. Farmers must save themselves from unnecessary loss.
Email:muhle.masuku@gmail.com or 0712 938 659
·        Masuku, I think Wenela system should be imposed on all resettled farmers by the government.
·        Just gone through today’s article, amajodo awela abangela mbiza. Others are misusing those farms.
·        Just read your article; please keep rumbling I am listening.

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Mark Your Calendars For These Upcoming Analytics Events

Next week Google Analytics team members will be presenting on several key areas of measurement, both online and in-person. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us as we share ideas and best practices about everything analytics.

Google Developers Live Event (Online)

Make the Web Fast: Measuring performance with Google Analytics Site Speed reports
How well does your site perform? Are the slow pages affecting your conversation rates or driving away potential visitors and clients? In this perfcast, we will talk with Justin Cutroni and Ilya Grigorik about the new "real user measurement" (RUM) capabilities available in Google Analytics: we will discuss how the data is collected, what it means, and take a deep dive into some of the advanced use cases of how you can leverage this data within Google Analytics.

Date: Tuesday, August 14 at 2:00pm PST

How to watch: watch live at following GDL link, or add the event to your calendar on Google+.

Search Engine Strategies (San Francisco)

Google has several unmissable sessions at SES. Be sure to attend these two focused on measurement:

Business Optimization in a Digital Age
We were promised that Marketing one day would become rocket science. Well, we are almost there! Search continues to become more complicated, and more exciting. Then there's Social and Email and Display and Video and... so many more things. It is hard to understand how to do one thing right, much less try to do all of them right. In his exciting keynote Avinash Kaushik will share his unique perspective on balancing multiple media channels, leveraging super awesome metrics, grounding your digital existence in driving economic value, and leveraging the Clear Line of Sight model to ensure you are optimizing across all four of the most important business drivers.

Date: Tuesday, August 14 from 9:00-10:00am PST

Understanding the Mobile Customer Journey
Mobile apps are changing the consumer world and app developers, brands and marketers continue to invest heavily in the development of applications. This session will be an open dialogue about:
  • How there are currently more than 600,000 mobile apps on Google Play - and why you need to understand how your app is found, why it is critical to stand out and why mobile analytics are key to improve your apps performance in increasingly competitive marketplaces.
  • Brands increasingly creating mobile applications to reach their customers, and why they need to track and report end-to-end measurements of their results (as well as integrate mobile measurement holistically across digital tactics).
  • What are some of the best practices to begin mobile campaigns (landing pages, click-to-call, analytics, integrations, etc.).
  • Examples of brands, SMBs etc. using mobile in an effective way.
  • The future of mobile - where it is headed and when.
Jason Wells, CEO, ContactPoint
Adam Singer, Product Marketing Manager, Google Analytics

Date: Wednesday, August 15 from 10:30-11:30am PST

How to attend: SES runs from Tuesday, August 14 through Thursday, August 16. If you’re in San Francisco, check out the agenda page for the full details of our sessions and be sure to come out and say hi.

Posted by Adam Singer, Google Analytics team

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Webinar this Thursday: Multi-Channel Funnels

Over the past few months, we’ve hosted a series of webinars on marketing attribution, exploring how you can get better results by understanding and valuing your customers’ full journey -- from the first ad they see until they make a purchase.

This week, please join Neil Hoyne, Google’s Global Program Manager for Attribution, for an in-depth look at Multi-Channel Funnels. Neil will discuss how Multi-Channel Funnels can reveal customer interactions across different digital media, show how these channels work together to create sales and conversions, and how these tools tie to the larger attribution narrative. We’ll explore the different reports and discuss how to get the most out of Multi-Channels Funnels to improve your campaign performance.

Date: Thursday, August 9, 2012
Time: 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT
Register: http://goo.gl/B49ma

Hope you’ll join us on Thursday!