Online writing job is real. You can make much money from it. Joining revenue sharing sites is one of choices. When your first article has been published, you go on to boost your article views by promoting your article via social media. The more audiences view your article the more income you earn. Your journey to make great achievement in online writing is still far from success but you are on the right pace.
The first question is why revenue sharing sites. Revenue sharing sites are partners to earn living online. You have opportunity to make huge income from them. You do not have to own a degree in IT. You do not have to be a webmaster. Revenue sharing sites will promote your writing skill free. They market your articles. They use all search engines optimization techniques and marketing strategies to bring your articles to hungry readers. This is a kind of mutual relationship. However, there are some tricks to get your articles featured. 5 steps to writing online at revenue sharing sites will be helpful for new writers in this career.
1. Sign up.
You can choose many sites. You should try a site that is comfortable with you. Complete your profile page. It is important to write short and catchy profile. Why? You are building your portfolio. You are establishing your brand and professional existence online.
2. Set up your payment method.
Most revenue sharing sites earn income from contextual ads and affiliate programs. The most used advertising site is Google Adsense. Firstly, you register at google Adsense after you have published articles. Google Adsense will pay you after your earning have reached $100. You should register with permanent address because you will receive a verification code from google Adsense team via post. Google Adsense payments are via Western Union or check. Secondly, you have to sign up paypal account. Paypal is the most online payment method. If you write at Squidoo you don't have to sign up google adsense and affiliate programs but you will receive payment via paypal. You only need few minutes to sign up your paypal. When you are getting a professional, you must get your paypal verified. However, you are still able to use your paypal to make online transaction but the transaction is limited.
3. Prepare for the first article.
There is some advice that you should follow. Before you write an article, you should do small research. You have to find the “niche”. Niche is a specific keyword of topic that is most searched. When you are ready with the niche, you are supposed to write a title with the niche in it. You also need to collect as much as information from magazines, newspapers, and present articles. It is the time to write your first article.
4. Proofread your article.
This is also very important part to publish article online at revenue sharing sites. Some sites are very strict in applying content standard. Most non-native English writers failed because of grammatical errors. You are not going to post your articles at your own blog or web but your article are required to meet the standardization of revenue sharing sites. You have option to use proofread software or ask a friend to check your article.
5. Publish your first article.
Before you publish, you should write summary of your article. Write short information about the content in your article. Do not forget to use your niche or keyword in your summary. Using keyword is very important because search engines will crawl first few hundred words of your article.
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