The Tech Fair is in two weeks. Fireworks contest due May 23. Web 2 and Web 4 projects due May 30.
Web 1:
- Review vocabulary. Here is a sample from last years exam. If these questions are unclear you have some studying to do. All important vocabulary should be in your chapter summaries.
- Read and practice the exercises in the "extended book" (that's the eleven chapter HTML book). My expectation is that you have a basic understanding of these chapters. You can find the files in the UDrive. Share the books (or use the PowerPoint files for instructions--in Udrive). Complete the practice tutorials for CSS and JavaScripts. These are very good little tutorials and will really help you with your coding.
- Continue to practice Flash and Fireworks by using the tutorials.
Web 2 and Web 4: Project work. Please check the due dates on your blog questions.
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