Senin, 19 Mei 2008

Finishing Up

For the next eight school days we will be in project mode before we turn to our final exams prep.

The Tech Fair is in two weeks. Fireworks contest due May 23. Web 2 and Web 4 projects due May 30.

Web 1:

  • Review vocabulary. Here is a sample from last years exam. If these questions are unclear you have some studying to do. All important vocabulary should be in your chapter summaries.
  • Read and practice the exercises in the "extended book" (that's the eleven chapter HTML book). My expectation is that you have a basic understanding of these chapters. You can find the files in the UDrive. Share the books (or use the PowerPoint files for instructions--in Udrive). Complete the practice tutorials for CSS and JavaScripts. These are very good little tutorials and will really help you with your coding.
  • Continue to practice Flash and Fireworks by using the tutorials.

Web 2 and Web 4: Project work. Please check the due dates on your blog questions.

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