Selasa, 27 Mei 2008


Today Web 1 students will explore Scratch, the programming language from the people at M.I.T. This program is designed to teach some basic programming functions. With this program you can do some basic behavior and game functions and produce some cool things. This past year students at Seymour Middle School have been using the program.

The program is on your desktop.

I have a series of activities and videos I would like you to check out:

Can you make your own game?

Web 2 and Web 4 students should be sure to complete their 3rd blog question which is due today. Remember, blog questions are 30% of your exam grade. Deadline for all projects is this Friday. Make sure your initial page is named "index".

Zero impact people should check out the story from this weekend's NY Times about another project at Oberlin.

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