Today we will work on some fun online tasks as we move towards vacation. Web 2 and Web 4 students may have seen these games and simulations before.
Typing Test: Go head-to-head with your neighbor. How fast can you type?
Another cool Google Earth app. Dig here!
Check out the Ayiti game.
3D Farming: Can you succeed as a farmer?
3D Architecture: Can you build a successful house.
Tall Buildings: Super-cool site about tall buildings
Power Play: Can you build a better mousetrap?
The Redistricting Game Can you rig your district?
And finally we will review the game Darfur is Dying.
Everyone should review ONE game in their blog today. Please be sure to provide a link to the game.
Web 1: How could you use this game to learn in school? Could serious games help you learn?
Web 2: Would a serious game improve your current website project? Why or why not?
Web 4: Choose one game and analyze the construction of the game. What tools are used? Are they used effectively?
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