Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Free e book seo for beginner

Free e book seo for beginner

Title : Search Engine Optimization made easy
Writer : Brad Callen


            This book has ten chapters of basic SEO practice. You can find much useful information how to build a website. You will get many tricks to get your website to the top of Google and other major search engines.
            The writer gives some tips of how to launch a new website from very beginning. The first is to use keyword tool to survey the market. You will bring to create a website that can compete on the top of major search engines by choosing right key words.
This is the content of the book
  1. Chapter 1 : Optimize the wrong keyword and you ‘ll likely never see the result
  2. Chapter 2 : How changing one single optimization factor can boost your ranking
                         by over 350 position.
  1. Chapter 3 : The Secret To Getting Listed In Google In Under 24 Hours –
  1. Chapter 4 : How To Skyrocket Your Website To The Top Of Google With          
                         Properly Planned Offpage Optimization!.
      5. Chapter 5   : How To Skyrocket Past The #1 Ranked Website On Google For
                        The Term Diet Information ...
6. Chapter 6   : Are You Asking Google To Penalize Or Ban Your Website
7. Chapter 7   : Don't Get Your Website Banned BY Google... By Accident
8. Chapter 8   : Possibly The Biggest Misconception About Ranking Well In The
                         Search Engines
9. Chapter 9   : What You Must Do To Rank Well For Your Inner Web Pages
     10. Chapter 10 : The Cold Hard Facts About Google Page Rank And
                          How To Use It To 1-Up Your Competitors

Brad Callen is an expert in SEO. Everyone who wants to start a website should read this book. This is free. You can click to this download link.
Download link here

I think this might work?

A new unit starts today as all classes will work on Fireworks tutorials.  Whether this is new or review I would like all to do the same work to start.  You should move straight down the "image effects" category.  Then move to the other categories.  This is sandbox time today and Friday.  Create a fireworks folder to save all of your work.  Every thing you do should be named, saved, and put in a folder.

Everyone must complete (at least):
A few hints:
  • Read the directions.  If you call me over I will just read the directions for you.  Take your time.
  • Choose photographs from Clipart that are high quality and appropriate for the task you are trying to complete.  Some photographs do not work very well in some tutorials.
  • Save and label everything you work on in a Fireworks folder.
  • Help your classmates.
If you finish please start on the text tutorials.  

    Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

    How to submit your Blogger Sitemap to Google

    What are Sitemaps?

    Sitemaps are text files containing a list of all web pages that exist on your website and are accessible to crawlers and users. These helps visitors and search engine bots to find pages on website. Sitemaps are a way to help Google indexing pages on your site which otherwise might not be discovered.

    If your blog is hosted on blogspot.com (or if you are using a self-hosted version of Blogger with a custom domain) you will be surprised to find out that the default sitemap file, contains only the 26 most recent pages of your blog which in normal case should contain all URLs of a website.

    Many webmaster pretend to teach others how to drive traffic to blogs or websites yet leaving out the most important factors like sitemaps. There are still other websites who keep on providing the old methods of generating a sitemap for blogger which are not any effective.

    How to add a complete Sitemap for your Blogger Blog

    Step 1: If you haven't done this already, sign-in to your Google Webmasters account and add your blog. For details, check this tutorial on how to add a blog to Google.

    Step 2: Once your blog is added to Google, go to Webmaster Dashboard  and click on your site address

    Step 3:  On the left panel choose Site Configuration >> Sitemaps - then click on Add sitemap.

    Add each of the following codes:


    If your blog have lots of pages, add the sitemaps below:


    Add Your Blogspot Blog to Google

    1) Log in to your Google Webmaster Tools account.

    2) Click on the “Add a site” button at the top of the screen.

    3) Enter the URL address of your blog (for example http://my-site.blogspot.com/) and press Continue

    4) Select the method you would like to use to verify ownership.
    You can either upload an HTML file with a name we specify (which is not possible with Google Blogger account), or you can add a META tag to your site's index file.

    Choose Alternate Methods:

    5) Under Alternative Methods Click Add a meta tag to your site’s home page.

    6) Copy the Meta tag Code generated.

    7) Open a new tab and login into your blogger account.

    8) Go to Template > Edit HTML

     ...and search (CTRL + F) for the following tag:


    9) Just below of it, paste the META code and then click on the Save Template button.

    10) Switch to Google Webmaster Tools tab and press on the "Verify" button.

    Now your site is added to sitemap account and the verification is done.

    Senin, 27 Februari 2012

    get paid to sign up at trusted ptc site

    Get paid to sign up at trusted ptc site

                Get paid to sign up is one of making money programs on internet. this is an easy and fast way to make money online free. Many ptc sites offer this program. Get paid to sign up is an advertising program. You will be rewarded few cents until few dollars to sign up the advertiser sites. The advertiser put on a link to a ptc site. You will be paid by the ptc site.
                You can earn few cents or dollars per sign up task that you complete. Many paid to sign up will reward you from $0,05 to $ 1 sign up. When you join this program you will get offer to sign up everyday. You can choose the highest rate of payments. If you are US resident you will be easy to get few dollars a day. Only few advertisers do not allow non US resident. Most of the advertisers are open for non US resident.
                You can calculate how much you will earn in a month. If you are from USA there are many advertisers that offer high bonus per sign up. For non US resident the advertisers give bonus is about $ 0,05 to $ 0,25 per sign up. The average bonus is about $ 0,15. You can complete 10 tasks per day so you will earn $ 1,5 day. If you have 25 days active to sign up you will earn $37,5 per month. You just need one or two hours everyday to sit in front of your computer. You can draw your earning via paypal, alertpay, liberty reserve and other internet payment systems
                You can boost your earning by upgrading your membership to gold or silver. If you are a gold member, you will earn higher more than a free member. Another way to increase your earning you must buy or rent referrals. You will get passive income from them. You can calculate your profit if you buy or rent referrals.
                Make money from get paid to sign up is not the fastest way to make money online. You must know the tricks to play this type of moneymaking method. You ‘d better make money from one ptc site if you are a freelancer but if you have full time to do this business you can do as many as you want.
                You do not have to waste your time or avoid joining scam ptc sites. You must choose trusted and legitimate ptc sites which pays. This ptc site will pay you if you have $ 0,10 earning. This is low pay out and easy to get. If you use liberty reserve you can pay out $0,10 but if you use paypaly or alertpay you can pay out if your earning is $ 1. This is the trusted and legit ptc site you can sign up that will pay you everyday.

    Making Google Analytics even speedier

    We are excited to announce three new features that we hope will improve your experience and make crunching even massive quantities of data easier. These updated reports will be available to everyone by later this week.

    Watch your reports load
    Nothing is more frustrating than waiting, especially when you don't know how long the wait will be. To ease that pain on Google Analytics we are adding a visual indicator that will report the progress of loading your report.

    Load reports only once
    When navigating through Google Analytics, each report takes some time to calculate. Today, we're turning that loading time on its head. Now, the data behind most of your reports will cache on your computer as long as you have the Google Analytics interface open. If your most recent data does update, we'll keep you in sync. Look for this at the bottom of your reports to know if they've been cached:

    Control your report calculation
    One way we speed up the serving of data is through what we call “fast-access mode”, which applies to reports generated from large data sets. In the coming weeks, we will be peeling back the curtain on how “fast-access mode” works and letting you control the number of visits used to calculate reports.

    Out with the old: fast-access mode
    If a report requires calculation on more than 250,000 visits, we select a statistically random sample of 250,000 visits and estimate the report results based on that data. This makes reports faster to load, and our testing indicates that the data returned is highly accurate.

    In with the new: control your report calculation
    Now you will have the ability to control the number of visits used to calculate your reports, and we inform you of exactly how many visits are used in report calculation.

    To use the new report calculation control, click the new icon (square cube graphic) in the upper right of your report when you see a message that your report was generated with a percentage of your visits. Then you can drag the slider to your desired number of visits: we will automatically recalculate your report and remember this number for all reports until you log out.

    Try experimenting with the control to find the number of visits that is right for your data - you might be surprised with how few you need.


    Additionally, we are reducing the number of visits at which we begin to statistically sample reports from 500,000 to 250,000. This change will increase overall speed, particularly if your account has large amounts of data. Anyone who hits this limit will experience faster load times, even if they were not previously entering fast-access mode. If you wish to use the old visit limit, simply drag the slider to the appropriate level.

    We hope these changes allows you greater insight into your data and a faster experience inside Google Analytics. Please reach out to us with questions and comments as these features roll out to everyone.

    - Chris Anderson, Google Analytics team

    Style blogspot blogger date header

    To change your blog's date header color and font style, you can do it with a very simple CSS adjustment that will make the date header to float on the left side of your post and to be partially out of the structure like a banner with a colorful appearance.
    See the result in the image below:

    How to do it

    Step 1. Login into your Blogger Dashboard, select Template option > click on Edit HTML 

    Step 2. Select Expand Blogger Template and search (CTRL + F) for the following code:




    Step 3. Add the following code snippet just below of it
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
    padding:3px 3px 3px 3px;

    Putting it all together, it should look something like this:

    .date-header span {
    border-bottom: 2px solid #cc0000;
    padding:3px 3px 3px 3px;

    To modify the style, replace the above bold/colored codes...

    to change the background color:
    to change the border style:
    • delete -bottom if you want border all around
    • change: 2px to a higher or lower value
    • change: solid with dotted if you want a dotted line
    • change:  #cc0000 with the hex code of border color

    to change the font size and date color:
    • for a bigger text, change: 12px to a higher value
    • color: replace the hex code (#000000) with the hex of date color


    color: #0000cc;

    to change margin-left:
    (represents the distance between date and blogger post)
    • replace -105px with a bigger/smaller value

    • change left to right

    Display post author, date, labels and comments with icons below post titles

    When there are no comments made to your posts, there's a link that says 'Be the First to comment!' and when there is just one comment it says '1 comment so far'. If you want to make your blog more stylish by replacing these texts with some cute small icons along with the default Author Name, Post Date, Labels and Comments... then just follow the next steps:

    Step 1. From your Blogger Dashboard, click on the Template option, then press the Edit HTML button:

    Step 2. Select the "Expand widgets templates" box

    Step 3. Search for the below code (press the CTRL + F keys and paste the code in the search box):

    <div class='post-header-line-1'>

    If you can't find the code above, look for this one:

        <div class='post-header'>

    Step 4. Paste the following code below/after the code above:

    <font style='background:transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi0WWasefyEFZG8vacGhjBymOC5eLD82SUImy8AD2vWCeIKG6AMnL1jbn7jyBtgofJWZj2ZBKfSDASWcMuRZE7NNzktHWOs6hmqlaOD9pt_WxNmo5fNKjK7uGSXPNnSqnSLhyQYOp1NT48i/s1600/author.gif) no-repeat scroll top left;padding-left:25px;font-size:11px;'><data:post.author/></font> | <font style='background:transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhgPqeTV51yN6xU8TDYHQsQ71DsQ0f4B00fZ27UgdDrG2PLgKUYbHbXG2wCJ2qrWcJEVriy1rdm_s_axlAzd2ceRFj56Lf75-iP19Xm67ureqBunBVulf7PTkki3K3GFflV0U3iCJ0nBelw/s1600/clock_icon.gif) no-repeat scroll top left;padding-left:25px;font-size:11px;'><data:post.timestamp/></font> | <font style='background:transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjEEQFr-IwwlYWc_70knl2PtI11r_7XEC5x1M5fc6AK9SKVhHPXS20EFh_92UiXtvhyRIo0WT_RVFd5B2EJK3lMiSTADA0R6ytXHH4fBj2u-t8BvskZjQeZCk-Kgd5-qsly6zh0BqB74njI/s1600/tag+icon.gif) no-repeat scroll top left;padding-left:25px;font-size:11px;'><b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
    <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
    <a expr:href='data:label.url + &quot;?max-results=8&quot;' rel='tag'><data:label.name/></a>
    <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>|</b:if>
    <span class='post-comment-link' style='Float:right;'>
            <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
              <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
                <a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style='background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjaWJYPhMdQ4dN0rV1i7drHyc78QD8-hsR1Rm6TfkVaz4TTwPmRwydzmVVdak3JNwXgH433p1ThQKf_nlyZaxzVZj2WGlBXFfoPn73P8xyB5omibSPRi7bkazP8EFFeLTCekICKdtarAXEi/s1600/comment-icon.png) no-repeat;Padding-left:20px;'><b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 0'>Be the first to comment!<b:else/> <b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'><data:post.numComments/> Comment so far<b:else/><data:post.numComments/> Comments so far</b:if> </b:if></a>

    How to customize:

    If you want to change the icons, just replace the URL addresses above colored with:

    • Red - Author
    • Green - Date
    • Blue - Labels
    • Violet - Comment bubble

    ... with the URL address of your image.

    Step 5. Save template... and you're done!

    How to remove/delete labels from Blogger posts

    Many bloggers might find labels below posts (or post titles) unnecessary, as long as they are already in the blog's sidebar. In this tutorial we will learn how to remove them manually. To hide labels from the blogger post footer (or below post title), you could simply uncheck the "Labels" option, however, sometimes this setting might not work properly in certain templates and then we'll have to remove it manually from our template.

    How we going do this?

    Hide labels from Blogger

    Step 1. Click on the 'Template' option and then go to the 'Edit HTML' button.

    hide labels, blogger labels, blogger tutorials

    To ensure that you won't lose or delete something, it is advisable to make a backup of your current template. To do this, click on the Backup/Restore button on the right top corner:

    blogger labels, blogspot tricks
     ...and then click on the Download full template button:

    Step 2. After you clicked on the Edit HTML button, select the 'Expand Widget Templates' option for expanding the CSS code.

    Step 3. Now find the following code snippet (press CTRL+F and paste the code in the search box):
    <b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
              <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
                <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><data:label.name/></a><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if>

    Step 4. And delete it.

    Step 5. Click on the Save Template button. You're done ;)

    How To Remove Blogger Navbar

    Blogger has got a Navigation Bar that appears by default at the top of every Blogger-powered blog. This navigation bar can be very useful when you are blogging, but sometimes, it can get in the way. The Blogger navbar is usually hidden in most of the third party templates.

    The advantages of it are the following:

    - when you click on the B icon, it will take you to blogger.com
    - a quick link to your Dashboard and "Sign in /Sign out" dialog
    - you can easily search for other blogs
    - you can "Flag Blog" (if you consider content of a blog objectionable)
    - NextBlog - takes you to a random, recently-updated Blogger blog

    The only disadvantage is visual. If you have customized design, Navbar just doesn't fit in.

    So how we get rid of it? It is very simple. Just follow the next steps...

    Removing The Blogger Navbar:

    1. Login to your Blogger account, click on your blog name and navigate to Layout;

    2. Look for the Navbar text and click on the Edit link as shown in the picture below:

    blogger navigation bar, blogspot tricks

    3. When the pop-up window appears, scroll down and select Off, then click on Save button:

    blogger navbar, navigation bar, blogger

    You're done.

    Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

    I'm not sure...

    I'm not sure how the filter will be working today.

    I have copied some of the Fireworks Tutorials to our wiki site.  I would like you to complete all five of the fireworks assignments on that page.

    1. Are your blogs unblocked?
    2. Does the video (last assignment) play?  If so, watch it.
    3. Can you reach the tutorials from last Wednesday?  If so, use that link.

    Option 2:

    TED and Games

    Theo Jansen: Freaky. Mind-blowing. But pay attention. What is life? Can you make something that lives out of PVC pipe? He does. Cyborg alert!
    Wear your headphones.

    When done check out the educational games and simulations. Can you find any other quality games?
    Questions please answer in a MS Word document.  Put name on and print out for teacher:
    1. Are the the Jansen creatures alive?  Why or why not?  This is a really hard question to answer--what is life?
    2. Review each game in a 3-4 sentence paragraph.  What is the game, what is trying to teach you, and did it work?
    3. Do games help learning?  

      Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

      Great Video

      I love this. How graphics, music, and video come together to tell a great story.

      And Everything Nice from John Jensen on Vimeo.

      Get paid | free backlink to submit blog

      Get paid | free backlink to submit blog

                  Backlinks are very important. The more backlinks your blog has the more sensitive to search engines. To increase traffic your blog has to be at the first page of search engines. There are some techniques to get to the top of page. One of them is getting more backlinks. Many ways you can do to get backlinks. Some blog owners or web owners are lazy to do manual work because it needs much time. Here are some ways to get backlinks.
      1.      Leave comment on other blogs.
                  You can leave comment everyday on other blogs or bloggers know as blog walking. Your comments will not generate your traffic but they will increase your backlinks. Blogs with high page rank are good source of backlinks.

      2.      Submit your blog to blog directories.
                  You need time to do this. You have to register and complete your blog description. If your blog has good content, the blog directory admin will approve your blog. Some blog directories have high standard. They sometime reject your blog submission because your blog does not meet the standard. You also need to put reciprocal link because your submission is free of charge.

      3.      Buy backlinks from high page rank blogs or websites.
                  You can buy backlinks from advertisers that offer backlinks. You have to spend much money. You can also buy links from blog directories. You do not need to put reciprocal links to your blog. Your blog will be 90 % approved even though your blog does not meet the standard submission.

      4.      Join social bookmarks.
                              You can get qualified backlinks from social bookmark. It is easy to get
      because you can add your blog to your profile. Your backlinks will not drive the blog traffic but they will improve performance to search engines. This is a free backlinks you can submit everyday. You can submit your article to 25 bookmarks everyday. It is free it is still available.

      5.      Get paid | get free backlink to submit your blog to backlinkgenius.com

       This is a new method of getting backlinks. You can get backlinks free and you can earn some money. First, you sign up and add your blog. If your blog is approved you can go to the dashboard page. Then, You apply the plug in button. After few days you can check your summary of your articles. You will see your approved , rejected, pending, and deployed articles. A blog with page rank 1 will earn $ 0,01 per day. If you have 20 deployed articles your earning will be  0,2 per day and you will earn about $ 6 per month. The threshold of the payout is $ 50. you can calculate your estimated earning at the calculator page. 
      FREE PPC

      Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

      Make money as freelance photographer

      Make money as freelance photographer

                  Photography is a nice hobby. It is an artistic work. Everyone can take pictures with his camera but not everyone can make an artistic photo. If you have talent I this field you can try to make money from this hobby.
                  Many sites appreciate your photos that you upload. Here is the site shareapic.net you can make money to upload your photos here. This is one of ways to make money from your photo works. Working as a freelance photographer will give you more opportunity to make more money. I think a photographer is highly paid in our country .what about your country? Many markets are widely open for photography. They are wedding, pre wedding, birthday, baby and kids, family, and many other events that need to be documented.
                  When we go to a wedding ceremony, we can see many people hold cameras on their hands. We can distinguish who the photographer is. Why do people still need a photographer?  A professional photographer will have many jobs to do. There will be many orders to wait. Do you think you are a good photographer? You can show your works to your friends.
                  Your friends will assess you whether your work is good or not. If you friends are interested in your photos, they will consider you to be their photographer in their special events instead of hiring a professional one. You don’t have to charge at high fee for your service you can ask at reasonable fee. If your friends feel satisfied with your work, they will tell others. Word of mouth promotion is very powerful. You have to learn to improve your work so that you can be a professional photographer.
                  Recent days, being a photographer do not need much cost as it used to. You just need to buy a digital camera and standard photography equipments at first. You can print your photo works in a photo studio. You can save your cost if you own a professional standard printer.
                  Creating a blog or website to put your works and share to others is an effective promotion. Everyone can see your work. Leave your email and your contact so that one who is interested in your service will call you. Your photos on your blog or website speak louder than your voice.
                  Another way to get jobs or orders is to join a professional photo studio. You can offer your service or photography skill to photo studios near your house. Photo studios usually get abundance of jobs at once. You can build your networks with the owners of many photo studios. You must show your work and make the owners trust you to handle their jobs.