Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

how to write attractive headlines

Learning How to write headlines isn't that difficult, especially if you know the basics to what grabs the consumer's minds into reading what you wrote.

Whether it's for a sales page, article, or your website, it's vital that your headlines are eye catching, interesting, and contain the something that makes them read the rest.

How to write headlines

Explain what you have to offer through curiosity

Many people are able to write powerful sales pages because their headlines grab people by the gut.

For those make money products, they always try to add the hook "Find out how an old man made over $130,000 in one year from home".

This is how curiosity works, and if you can push some small little buttons on the headline, you can expect for your readers to climb down the article.

Curiosity is what pulls people in to read the rest of the article o the sales page, so keep this part as interesting as possible.

Use a HOW TO Headline

A How To headline for an article shows the reader that he or she is going to learn something.

Many people usually want to learn How To do something by going online, and if you provide for them an interesting headline with these two words, it'll pull people in to actually reading the article or the blog post.

The headlines are extremely important to write. They need to be created perfectly, formatted nicely, and they also need to be completely grammar free.

When they aren't grammar free, people will think that the rest of the sales page or the article is badly written.

The headline is what catches people attention, and it's what makes you look like a real professional. The tips above are definitely going to be helpful, and implementing them in your headlines will surely boost more readers.

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

cara buat toko online pada tripleclicks atau ECA store

Cara membuat toko online pada tripleclicks.com atau lebih dikenal ECA store. Sebelumnya saya jelaskan dulu sedikit tentang tripleclicks.com. website ini adalah bagian dari sfimg.com sfi adalah singkatan six figure income. Dengan menjadi member sfi anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan ganda dari referral dan dari toko online yang anda buat di tripleclicks. Anda juga bisa hanya menjadi member tripleclicks saja untuk membuat toko online.

Metode pembayaran dengan paypal atau credit card. Tripleclicks sendiri mempunyai jutaan member diseluruh dunia. Kebanyakan member tripleclicks adalah member sfi juga.

Nah sekarang mari kita mulai pelajaran kita…………

Langkah pertama

Buka link ini tripleclicks.com anda akan melihat tampilan sebagai berikut

 kemudian klik sign up here. setelah anda klik anda akan menuju halaman aplikasi silahkan perhatikan

maaf untuk untuk country anda ganti dengan Indonesia

pada pertanyaan do you have physical store? jawab ya jika anda punya toko di dunia nyata jawab no jika tidak.
setelah selesai semua klik coninue anda akan mengarah ke halaman aggreement ( persetujuan)

klik saja agree dan continue
anda akan menuju halaman upload KTP anda yang sudah di scan dan tagihan listrik atau telepon yang nama dan alamatnya sesuai dengan KTP anda. jika tidak sesuai anda bisa menggunakan NPWP anda yang di scan.
klik browse dan cari file KTP dan tagihan listrik/telepone atau NPWP anda
setelah semua di upload akan kelihatan hasil uploadan anda setelah itu selesai dan click continue setelah semua selesai anda tinggal menunggu persetujuan kira-kira 2 atau tiga hari. selamat mencoba

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

Effective Business Txt Messaging Tips That Will Help Explode Your Organization

In any kind of business or enterprise, the importance of effective communication is not underestimated and it’s correct to assume that it contributes straight away to the achievements of the business. Without proper communication within a business, co-ordination of activities becomes impossible and so slows or hinders the entire process of production.

The emergence in the internet has quickly wiped the standard postal mails which for years were the preferred mode of communication. The online world provides a provision for emails which have quickly rose more and more almost the de facto mode of communication nowadays by every other business; but emails will also be slow and therefore many organisations have now use an efficient means of sending messages across their organization named business texting.

One of many factors which have renedered business text messaging so well received lately is the fact virtually every person carries a mobile gadget and unlike computers phones are easily portable thus making it simpler to supply a message instantly as many people carry their devices everywhere they're going. Thus, when you are the boss and you want to summon your team for a meeting it makes the task easier and intensely effective. Another huge competitive advantage that business texts has over email or any other means of business communication is it’s real-time. The ability of mobile gadgets and smart phones to deliver notifications and alert you any time you get a new message allows for real-time delivery of messages thus easing communication.

Thus, incorporating business texting as part of your organization not only provides you with competitive advantage but in addition ensures efficiency. But as much as they are effective, sms messages can be very sensitive when used inappropriately. Below are 5 quick good ideas to effectively implement business text messaging to help you achieve optimum results;

I. Use the right language: When sending a business text message, be sure you take advantage of the right official language rather than to address your customers or employees much like your friends. Using proper correct English is one of the ways of utilizing the right language in running a business text messaging.

II. Proper timing is necessary: Which means you can't send a business text message in the middle of the evening because it is not just rude but your message can be ineffective. A business message isn't a social conversation so keep your timing inside the stipulated business hours whenever necessary.

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

Jasa Like Facebook Fanpage Murah - Menambah Like Tertarget

Anda Seorang Pemilik atau Owner di sebuah Fanpage Facebook ? Anda Ingin Memasarkan Produk di Fanpage anda dan anda ingin produk yang di pasarkan dapat diketahui orang banyak ? Kami beri Solusi atas pertanyaan anda di artikel berjudul Jasa Like Facebook Fanpage Murah - Menambah Like Tertarget.
Fanpage Facebook adalah sebuah fasilitas yang diberikan facebook terhadap penggunanya untuk memiliki

5 Tips To Writing Better Copy

Writing web copy for your website is an important part to make sure that you educate your readers to the extent that they can possibly buy something from you or join your list.

Writing better copy than you normally can could help tremendously when you're trying to get sales and develop yourself as an expert. If you need some instant help, here's 5 tips to writing better copy.

1. Proofread

Proofreading your work can help a lot with your success at writing good copy. Most people tend write good articles with the best content, but they don't really know how to write grammar free.

2. Proofread outloud

Proofreading outloud is often thought of as weird and useless. You can actually capture up to 70% more of your mistakes when you proofread your articles outloud.
3. Explain how it can help them

People just want to find something that will help them, and when you're writing web copy, you need to make sure that you tell them how this service or product is going to *help* them.

When you explain everything in a concise and powerful manner, they will respond better to what you're trying to offer.

4. Format (but not always)

Formatting is a great way to get your copy done quickly and almost instantly. The only problem that you may experience is that not formatting your articles may give you better ideas than you thought.

So, make sure to format your web copy, but don't format everything all the time so you can let your natural words flow through.

5. Read sales pages

When you read other convincing sales pages of other products, try looking at the way the copy was written. Pay attention to the detail as to how they deliver what the product is offering.

These 5 tips to writing better copy are extremely effective. Each one can be done and followed, and following them in your writing can make you a better writer than you thought.

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

GSMLokal | Portal Berita Teknologi Terbaru

Saya baru saja pulang mudik terasa cape namun rasa cape tersebut tidak menghalangi saya untuk membuat post yang memiliki tema review yang berjudul GSMLokal | Portal Berita Teknologi Terbaru . Sebenarnya saya sudah ada rencana hengkang dari blog kesiangansekolah.blogspot.com dan ingin menjualnya karena blog ini adalah blog gagal menurut saya tetapi saya melihat ada kabar kontes pada grup DBP maka

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Panduan Membuat Website Gratis

Setelah kemaren saya melakukan uji coba dengan membuat sebuah website yang sederhana dan akhirnya berhasil maka dari pengalaman saya tersebut, pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi sedikit cara membuat sebuah situs web gratis.

Website dan Blog sebenarnya memiliki kesamaan dalam proses pembuatan dan memanajemennya, yang membedakan adalah nama domain saja, jika situs dengan domain blogspot

Tempat Beli Komputer Laptop Online Terpercaya

Selamat datang di blog kami, langsung saja ke topik. Tempat beli Komputer laptop Online terpercaya dimana sih ? Masih bingung mba/mas ? Dijaman era modern dan canggih seperti ini kebutuhan akan laptop sangat diperlukan. Semisal laptop dibutuhkan untuk menyimpan berbagai data dan tempat bekerja para blogger , misalkan anda seorang blogger yang kerjaannya menulis dan mengatur blog maupun websitenya

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

apa bahasa inggrisnya


alpokat bahasa inggrisnya avocado
adas manis bahasa inggrisnya aniseed
asam jawa bahasa inggrisnya tamarind
adas bahasa inggrisnya fennel
bawang daun bahasa inggrisnya spring onion
bawang merah bahasa inggrisnya shallot
bawang putih bahasa inggrisnya garlic
beras ketan bahasa inggrisnya glutinuous rice
bihun bahasa inggrisnya rice vermicelli
buah lawang (pekak) bahasa inggrisnya star anise
bangkuang bahasa inggrisnya jicama
bawang bombay bahasa inggrisnya onion
bawang daun bahasa inggrisnya green onion
bawang daun bahasa inggrisnya scallion
buah pala bahasa inggrisnya nutmeg
bunga pala bahasa inggrisnya mace
cengkeh bahasa inggrisnya clove
cabe bahasa inggrisnya chilli pepper
cabe rawit bahasa inggrisnya cayenne

cuka bahasa inggrisnya vinegar
daun pandan bahasa inggrisnya screwpine leaf

daun bawang bahasa inggrisnya spring onion

daun suji bahasa inggrisnya
ebi bahasa inggrisnyadried prawn (shrimp)
garam bahasa inggrisnya salt

gula pasir bahasa inggrisnya sugar
gula merah/jawa bahasa inggrisnya palm sugar
jahe bahasa inggrisnya ginger
jeruk nipis/limau bahasa inggrisnya lime
jintan bahasa inggrisnya cummin
kacang ijo bahasa inggrisnya mung bean
kacang mete bahasa inggrisnya cashew
kacang panjang bahasa inggrisnya long bean
kacang tanah bahasa inggrisnya peanut
kapulaga bahasa inggrisnya cardamom
kapur sirih bahasa inggrisnya lime paste
kayumanis bahasa inggrisnya cinnamon
kecap asin bahasa inggrisnya soya sauce
kecap ikan bahasa inggrisnya fish sauce
ketumbar bahasa inggrisnya coriander
kucai bahasa inggrisnya chive
kunyit bahasa inggrisnya turmeric
kecap manis bahasa inggrisnya sweet soya sauce
kedele bahasa inggrisnya soya bean
kelapa bahasa inggrisnya coconut
kemangi bahasa inggrisnya basil
kemiri bahasa inggrisnya candle nut
lengkuas bahasa inggrisnya galangal
merica bahasa inggrisnya pepper
minyak wijen bahasa inggrisnya sesame oil
paria bahasa inggrisnya bitter melon
petis bahasa inggrisnya black shrimp paste
ragi bahasa inggrisnya yeast
rebung bahasa inggrisnya bamboo shoot
santan bahasa inggrisnya coconut milk
saus tir am bahasa inggrisnya oyster sauce
sedap malam bahasa inggrisnya dried lily flower
seledri bahasa inggrisnya celery
serai bahasa inggrisnya lemon grass
soun bahasa inggrisnya mung bean thread
tauge bahasa inggrisnya bean sprout
telur puyuh bahasa inggrisnya quail’s egg
tepung beras bahasa inggrisnya rice flour
tepung hunkwee bahasa inggrisnya mung bean flour
tepung jagung bahasa inggrisnya cornmeal
tepung kanji bahasa inggrisnya tapiocatahu bahasa inggrisnya tofu
tauco bahasa inggrisnya preserved soy beans
tepung ketan bahasa inggrisnya sweet rice flour
tepung maizena bahasa inggrisnya cornstarch (di negara Commonwealth kecuali Canada disebut cornflour)
tepung terigu bahasa inggrisnya wheat flour
terasi bahasa inggrisnya shrimp paste
ubi jalar/rambat bahasa inggrisnya sweet potato
wijen bahasa inggrisnya sesame seed

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

twitter marketing tools strategy and tips

Twitter is absolutely everywhere these days. It’s on TV, on the radio and everyone’s talking about it. Even the technophobes are starting to use Twitter. You’ve probably already been exposed to Twitter, but if not, then read on and I’ll show you how to get started on it.


Twitter is a social networking site where users can “Tweet” (post a short message) about what they are doing at a particular point in time. Or communicate some other short message to the people who have followed them. A “tweet” can be up to 140 characters long, so these “tweets” are really short. They call this micro-blogging. Because it’s like blogging, but the posts are tiny…or micro ;)

In this manual, you’re going to discover the secrets of the Twitter Masters. You’ll discover how to tap into a massive community of followers that almost no one else even knows is available to them – and you’ll be able to do it as fast as you can make a friend (fast!). Plus, you’ll discover how to leverage these already-existing communities to build your very OWN gigantic community in just a few days.

I don’t talk much about Twitter basics here. I cover just what you need to get started. If you’re new to Twitter, you’ll want to read every word in this guide. If you’re a little more experienced you may want to skip the ‘getting started’ section…but then again I always pick up some good tips when going back to the basics. Your call. I’ve packed a ton of insights into this little book. As you can probably already tell –

I like to get straight to the point, so there’s no fluff here. I want you to be able to read through this in one or two sittings so you can start putting these powerful strategies into action right away. If you do this, you could have a mad rush of buyers flocking to your site from Twitter by the end of the week. Let’s get started then, shall we? Get twitter white knight pack for only $1

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Cara Membuat Twitter

Cara Membuat Twitter – Twitter adalah sebuah situs web yang tergolong social network yang dimiliki oleh Twitter, inc. Pasti anda akan mengenal dengan istilah Tweet, Mention, DM, dan lain sebagainya setelah anda bermain twitter karena dalam istilah tersebut berasal dari twitter itu sendiri. Tweet apabila disebut dalam facebook menjadi Status, status dalam facebook dan tweet dalam twitter itu ada

Pasang Iklan Gratis Anda

Selamat malam teman-teman, apa kabar semoga dalam keadaan baik-baik saja. Pada postingan ini saya ingin berbagi panduan cara pasang iklan gratis melalui situs Berniaga.com. Tentu anda telah mengenal situs ini bukan.

Situs ini menyediakan layanan pemasangan iklan gratis untuk anda yang ingin menambah penghasilan tanpa mengeluarkan biaya. Selain begitu mudah proses pemasangan iklan disini, anda

Baru ! Cara Pasang Iklan MELAYANG di Blog

Cara Memasang Iklan MELAYANG di Blog yang Menghasilkan Uang - Kali ini blog's ARSIP | Cara Blog akan memberikan script yang akan membuat iklan anda melayang. Mengapa anda perlu memilih iklan melayang ? Jawabannya adalah Klik yang dihasilkan akan bertambah, Karena posisi melayang akan sangat-sangat mudah untuk pengunjung melihatnya. Sehingga isi dari iklan akan tersampaikan jelas, apabila ia