Jumat, 01 Desember 2006

Survey Results

1. Evaluate your technology expertise since September 1.
I've learned a lot more than I thought I would. 56%
I've learned about what I thought I would 21%
I've learned some. 20%
Nothing so far... 3%
Total 100%
2. Have you read or edited your blogmeister from home?
Yes 44%
No 56%
Total 100%
3. What has been the best learning experience?
Bookwork 46%
Web Olympics 28%
Total 10 Exam 26%
Total 100%
4. Are you producing your best work?
Yes 80%
No 20%
Total 100%
5. Which of the following would you like to explore? Click all that apply.
Educational gaming simulations 70%
Blogging and global networking 36%
Wikis/Collaborations 18%
Graphics Manipulation 61%
6. If you look at Project One in the textbook does it look...
Much easier now 72%
Same 25%
Still can't figure it out... 3%
Total 100%
7. Do you feel comfortable creating and editing a basic webpage?
Yes 87%
No 8%
Whats a webpage? 5%
Total 100%

Not bad results, we seem to be doing OK. I will continue to offer you a variety of ways to learn. If you are one of those not doing your best, start doing your best.

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