Selasa, 05 Juni 2007

End of The Year

You never know what a year will bring. At this time last year I was preparing my students for their honors recitals, collecting uniforms, and preparing for the summer music program.
One year later I am completing my first year at Seymour High School. It has been an interesting year. Many of you have been with me since that first day in September, some joined us in January. I want to thank you for all your hard work along the way.
I have tried hard to teach you in a modern way. I learn alongside you. I teach with you, not TO you. This is the school 2.0 we have talked about. Many of you resisted this. I know it would be more comfortable for some of you for me to read the directions out of the book. On the flip side, many of you would have gone off the deep end if I did that.
My goal was to make you independent learners. Yes, that meant sometimes I didn't answer your question. Sorry.
So, what's next? I hope you stay on top of technology. Be the "tuned in" person. That will give you a HUGE advantage in interviews for schools or jobs. If you are the person people depend on for the latest information you are invaluable to a company.
Remember that an impression is lasting. So many of you made a lasting impression on me with your work. Having people advocate for you is incredibly powerful. You want people on your team that sing your praises. A bad impression spreads like wildfire.
Don't submit work you aren't proud of. If it has your name it that should stand for something. No matter what line of work you go into, showing pride in your workmanship is essential. You don't want your plumber saying "Yeah, what do I have to do to pass?". You don't want your doctor saying "I didn't really pay attention in that class".
Most of all, work on your collaboration skills. Isolation is the enemy of improvement.
Today: Evaluations of projects, comments on blogs, and final exam suggestions.

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