Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Web Design Project

I have tried to create a project that has lots of choices. You will need to decide which project best fits your skills and the time you have available. All of these choices require critical thinking skills, technology skills that we have studied, the ability to tell a story and to recognize audience. Projects are due June 10.  This is your exam grade.

Choose One:
  • Pecha Kucha. (pronounce Pee-Chak-Cha) Read this for more info. You will have to watch examples at home (videos blocked...).  I am convinced that most of you have no idea how to present effectively. For this project you will create a pecha kucha around any appropriate subject. I decide if it is appropriate. Please check Presentation Zen blog (and the book on my desk). I am giving you great freedom in the subject, but Pecha Kucha requires great discipline in the presentation. This creates great respect for the audience (no--they do not want to read bullet points. Nobody does). You decide how to present your Pecha. I suggest using Moviemaker.
  • Flash adaptation. Take any childrens story and adapt it for a new audience. Your Flash must include music and/or sound.
  • Digital Portfolio. Create a web design company and its website. This is your company. Include prior work that you have done. This site will be legit and complete. Include pricing, logos, links, contact form, etc....Everything you would need to go live.
A few notes for this project:
  • Remember that first impressions happen very quickly in the web world. Make sure your pages/presentations look modern!
  • Create a schedule. When will you need to get things done by? This will be your first blog post so start thinking now.
  • Get help. Work together to solve technical issues. However, don't be the person who asks every three minutes "How does this look?" That gets annoying if you are trying to get stuff done.
  • Be excellent. This should be your absolute best work. I am giving you an opportunity to be very creative.
  • Here is the Rubric.

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