Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

types of side job ideas

Types of side job

There are two types of side job in general. The first is to work as an employee at another company or institution besides the main job. The second is to do small business. The first idea is good for professional who posses certificate and certain skill. A school teacher can teach at another school. A financial consultant can have double jobs at different companies.  Doing business is suggested for people whose entrepreneurship. The focus is to prepare and learn how to start a small business. Creating business plan is very important to start a business even in a small business.
            Working at another company has some consequences. There are many problems will come up to have double jobs. The first thing to do is that we need to talk to our boss that we have double jobs. This decision has two impacts to the boss. There can be negative and positive. To manage the problems one whose double jobs has to talk to both of the boss so that they will consider the position. Working professionally is required to maintain the existence in those two companies in case one of the companies will fire. It is better to make task priority what we have to do first.
            There are some professions that are possible to have double jobs. Here they are.
First, a school teacher or lecturer has this opportunity. This is the most common profession that allows a person to have double jobs. This type of profession is very flexible even though one is a fulltime teacher. He can still manage the time to teach at another school or course. There are many evening classes or courses that accept a part time teacher.
                  Another profession is a law consultant or a lawyer. This profession of course needs certificate to practice. There are many works offered to be a lawyer. What we need is to build network to other lawyers or consultants do that we can share information or exchange jobs or tasks. Being lawyer assistance is possible for a beginner or new graduate.
                  A doctor and an architect are two professions who allow having double jobs. I have. I have no reference of this profession but I sometime find a doctor who works in some hospitals. There are many other professions that are likely to have double jobs. If you have a talent that you think you can make more additional income why you don’t try to have double job.
                  Doing small business is another type of getting additional income. There are many types of business you can run. You can learn what your skill. You can create a small restaurant or rent a space to sell children clothes, food or packed juice or tea. All are offline business.
                  Another type of side job is online business. It does not need much your time. If you are not expert in this field, you can hire how to create a website easily to sell an affiliate product. You   do not need to write articles in it but you can send a ghostwriter a job to write good articles to your website. By doing this you must spend few dollars but your online business is less costly than offline business if you know. You’d better take a course before decide to create online business because many scam and fake trick you will get trapped in this online world if you are a new comer. You can join a online business community in your town so that you can learn from the expert directly.
                  Another type of side job is as a freelancer. There are many freelance jobs you can get online. You can see most searched freelancer online. Becoming a ghostwriter or freelance writer is one of the freelance job you can browse on the internet. be  careful of scam sites! You can sign up at Elance.com. You can see many freelance job lists there. It is a trusted site where employers and freelancers meet.

Many types of side job you can choose. What you expert in will be your second chance to make additional income. Whatever you do you must be professional to do your tasks and responsibility because the employers or partners will reorder your service if you can satisfy them.

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