Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

A New Class!


A new semester.  I am very excited to teach this "new" class.  I taught this for four years, took a two year break, and now I am back teaching two sections this year.  So much has changed!

This class should be fun and exciting.  You will write and read A LOT in here.  You will code, create, tape, video, and publish.  This will be an odd class for some of you as YOU take charge of your learning. You will have lots of choices as the year progresses.  This often makes students nervous as I rarely stand in front of you and say "now we will turn to.."

Today you can do the solo activity for the iPad.

Other things need to happen today:
1. You need to be sure you returned your Internet Use form (I imagine you have).  I can't do anything without that.
2. Fill out this Info Sheet.
3. Please solve a Google A Day.  The site times you.  So move fast.  We will be learning how to search effectively throughout the year. 
4. Then Draw a Stickman.  Wouldn't you like to learn how to do that?  Guess what?  You will.

5. Write yourself an email that will be delivered on June 1, 2012.  Use Futureme.org.  Keep the post private.  Write yourself and completing the following questions "By June I hope to have learned..." "I think the most important aspect of web design is...."

6. Swearing is bad.  Please don't do it.

7. Put in your headphones and play with Bobby or Incredibox

8. Read this longer, but fascinating, story in the NY Times about a student with autism.

9. Watch this movie trailer.  Yes, that is tap water catching on fire at the end.  

If we finish all this and you work hard we will have a hockey tournament.

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